How do I make Paralyzer work?
On most of the servers I enter, the Paralyzer on the Buried map does not work properly. You cannot use it to float, fly or levitate.
I've seen that it's a problem with Plutonium itself, but I've seen it work on some servers. So how do I make it work?
Misumi'El Here's a quick GSC hot-fix for the flying. The paralyzer slow-mo is still broken, and the flying really only works for the player with the paralzyer. But still works well enough to be used.
- Add these functions into your GSC file
paralzyer_flying() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); self.flypower = 100; for(;;) { if(self.flypower < 100 && !isDefined(self.flying)) self.flypower++; if(!isDefined(self.flying) && !self isOnGround()) self.flying = true; else if(self isOnGround()) self.flying = undefined; wait .05; } } paralzyer_check() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); for(;;) { if(self getCurrentWeapon() == "slowgun_zm" || self getCurrentWeapon() == "slowgun_upgraded_zm") { if(self attackbuttonpressed()) { foreach(player in level.players) { if(distance(self.origin, player.origin) < 120 && isDefined(player.flying) && player.flypower > 0) { player.flypower--; if(player getvelocity() [2] < 300) player setvelocity(player getvelocity() + (0,0,41)); } } } } wait .05; } }
- Add the 2 function threads into your OnPlayerConnect function (like below)
onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread paralzyer_flying(); //Add this line player thread paralzyer_check(); //And this line into your GSC } }
This post is deleted!
where put this
self endon("disconnect");
level endon("end_game");self.flypower = 100; for(;;) { if(self.flypower < 100 && !isDefined(self.flying)) self.flypower++; if(!isDefined(self.flying) && !self isOnGround()) self.flying = true; else if(self isOnGround()) self.flying = undefined; wait .05; }
self endon("disconnect");
level endon("end_game");for(;;) { if(self getCurrentWeapon() == "slowgun_zm" || self getCurrentWeapon() == "slowgun_upgraded_zm") { if(self attackbuttonpressed()) { foreach(player in level.players) { if(distance(self.origin, player.origin) < 120 && isDefined(player.flying) && player.flypower > 0) { player.flypower--; if(player getvelocity() [2] < 300) player setvelocity(player getvelocity() + (0,0,41)); } } } } wait .05; }
A7Med_5 You need to load a custom GSC file that you create. Follow this guide to learn more about custom GSC scripts and how to load them for custom games with friends or a dedicated server.
hope im not necroposting, but i can't get the script to work.
**** 2 script error(s): **** Unresolved external : "paralyzer_flying" with 0 parameters in "maps/mp/_imcsx_gsc_studio.gsc" at line 1 **** **** Unresolved external : "paralyzer_check" with 0 parameters in "maps/mp/_imcsx_gsc_studio.gsc" at line 1 ****
why cant i fly with paralyser? even though im in a solo game
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