Windows32x bootstrap error
So I was redownloading Plutonium t6 because I thought the files had a virus because launcher said so But it happened again And i Checked more further and it said something called windows 32x bootstrap "file failed to update" Please Help
SpazmicParadox Which antivirus software do you use? If you use windows defender follow this video guide:
Also remove the torrent from your torrent client if it's seeding. -
Dss0 Well I dont Really USe an antivirus I Have Restoro and malwarebytes but I have no clue how to unnistal them
Google how to uninstall them then. Multiple AVs often clash with each other and that's not a good thing. Probably gonna solve your issue as well.
HannesC Well I fixed it but now Call of duty bo2 is not opening after i click play it just dissapears
Read the FAQs thread