My IW5 crashes constantly after I join a server. I can play and run around for a few minutes and then my game crashes without an error message.
can you help me install this please
Go to %localappdata%/Plutonium\crashdumps and check if you have any that start with r363 or r361 and if so send me a screenshot of the folder. I can then see if we need any of the files. (They allow us to see why pluto crashed, or atleast, help us find out why)
Yeah, R363.
Goldner How fast is your internet upload speed?
Only 3mb. It will take a day to upload.
Goldner OK - we'll need to wait to see if anybody else with the problem has some crashdumps that are either smaller or has a faster upload speed. Please bare with us, without an error message we're abit blind.
If it help you, i can maybe share my screen on Discord.
Goldner Not right now - we need the crashdump, but thats for the offer of help
my game is crashing as well it seems like changing fov had caused a worse crash so i set it back to 65 from 100, but my game still crashes. But there is no error message it just freezes, and i cant do anything
beaaaarrrrrr Go to %localappdata%/Plutonium\crashdumps and screenshot the folder for me please.
beaaaarrrrrr Would you mind uploading that to and sending it here? RektInator can then attempt to see if he can troubleshoot as this appears to be affecting a few people.
Mr. Android Same problem here, I got the crashdump too
Would you mind uploading that to and sending it here?
Please provide screenshots of your game folders, please.
RektInator Anything you can provide from the crashdump?
H3X1C said in My IW5 crashes constantly after I join a server. I can play and run around for a few minutes and then my game crashes without an error message.:
Please provide screenshots of your game folders, please.
Please also do what H3X1C has asked.