[Release] Shotgun Rank/Max Bank/All Perma-Perks
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luigistyle Not to complain however, the rank does not have blue eyes. Is this the same for others?
zxc_richtofen said in [Release] Shotgun Rank/Max Bank/All Perma-Perks:
no need of max rank if it comes without Perma perks & Easter Egg unlocks..
Stefanuk12 Here is a max rank with Blue Eyes: https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/12244/all-plutonium-t6-zm-rank-files?_=1625487995794
would you play with me
luigistyle Hello, I downloaded the file and replaced with the one in localappdata/plutonium/storage/demonware/18397/user, but when I load the game and hit online it says that my rank data has been corrupted and set back. How to fix it?
luigistyle I accidentally deleted the folder so when I type %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\demonware\18397\user, nothing shows up. Is there a way to fix it?
luigistyle is there a way i can get this witout the max rank so i can level up normally?
potatobun Nope there will be a fixed in a future but right now MP/ZM rank is not working very well, will be fixed in a future
luigistyle when i open the link there's no download button, is the file no longer available?
frosty it because the game official bank system doesnt work on all the servers but works fine in solo and custom matches
luigistyle said in [Release] Shotgun Rank/Max Bank/All Perma-Perks:
hey bro i tried this and it worked but recently it resets like i delete two zm files from folder and place your file in folder. the moment i launch game, a zm file returns in the folder. its name is zmdatabk0000. So perma thing dont work. so how do i fix this problem????
p l u t o I believe unlockall works in ZM so you can try that.
p l u t o i used two commands before getting online:
/uploadprofile -
luigistyle i only have mp not zm stuff??
Pleiya only some maps actually have perma perks
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luigistyle i used this but blue eyes not working
it doesn't work, i don't have the blue eyes and i don't have the perma perks