[Release] QBots
This is a ChaiScript for doing knife lunges and what else in private with bot/bots.
NOTE: Won't work with multiple people. ( at least ideally )Things possible with this script:
{- Save Position | crouch & +reload
- Load Position | crouch & +activate
- Spawn Bot ( currently only via Console ) | +actionslot 3
- Kick Bots ( Kick all bots from game ) | +actionslot 4
- Move Bot To You ( Move the bot to your current position ) | +actionslot 1
- Send Me To Heaven ( Sets your origin super high ) | +actionslot 6
Open the console to see what buttons to use ^^Download: qbots.chai
or you can just make it manually at "...\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts"
and make a ChaiScript and put this code in it:gsc.setDvar("testClients_doAttack", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doCrouch", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doMove", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doReload", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doWatchKillcam", 0); global Bots = []; global sPos = []; global sAng = []; global stance = "crouch"; level.onNotify("connected", fun(arguments) { var player = arguments[0]; if(player.getGuid().find("bot") != -1) { addBot(player); return; } else { BotSystem(player); } player.onNotify("spawned_player", fun[player](arguments) { }); player.onNotify("SavePos", fun[player](arguments) { if(correctStance(player)) { SavePosition(player); } }); player.onNotify("LoadPos", fun[player](arguments) { if(correctStance(player)) { LoadPosition(player); } }); player.onNotify("KickBots", fun[player](arguments) { kickBots(); }); player.onNotify("SpawnBot", fun[player](arguments) { spawnBot(); }); player.onNotify("MoveBotToPlayer", fun[player](arguments) { var bots = getBots(); if(bots.size() > 0) { var bot = bots[bots.size()-1]; MoveBotToPlayer(bot, player); } }); player.onNotify("SendMeToHeaven", fun[player](arguments) { SendMeToHeaven(player); }); }); def BotSystem(player) { BotSystemMessages(player); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "SavePos", "+reload" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "LoadPos", "+activate" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "KickBots", "+actionslot 4" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "SpawnBot", "+actionslot 3" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "MoveBotToPlayer", "+actionslot 1" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "SendMeToHeaven", "+actionslot 6" ); } def BotSystemMessages(player) { player.iPrintLnBold("\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^9Bot system activated!\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Save Position:^2 Crouch + [{+reload}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Load Position:^2 Crouch + [{+activate}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Kick Bots:^2 [{+actionslot 4}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Spawn Bot:^2 [{+actionslot 3}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Move Bot To You:^2 [{+actionslot 1}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Send Me To Heaven:^2 [{+actionslot 6}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("\n"); } def correctStance(player) { if(player.getStance() == stance) { return true; } return false; } def SavePosition(player) { sPos = player.getOrigin(); sAng = player.getPlayerAngles(); gsc.iPrintLnBold("Position Saved."); } def LoadPosition(player) { if(sPos.empty() || sAng.empty()) { gsc.iPrintLnBold("No Position Saved."); return; } player.setVelocity(0); player.setOrigin(sPos); player.setPlayerAngles(sAng); gsc.iPrintLnBold("Position Loaded."); } def addBot(bot) { Bots.push_back_ref(bot); } def getBots() { return Bots; } def clearBots() { Bots.clear(); } def spawnBot() { gsc.iPrintLnBold("You have to manually spawn the bot via Console: /bot"); } def kickBots() { var bots = getBots(); for(var i = 0; i < bots.size(); ++i) { gsc.kick(bots[i].getEntityNumber()); } clearBots(); } def MoveBotToPlayer(bot, player) { var pOrigin = player.getOrigin(); var pAngles = player.getPlayerAngles(); bot.setOrigin(pOrigin); bot.setPlayerAngles(pAngles); } def SendMeToHeaven(player) { var origin = player.getOrigin(); origin[2] += 2048; player.setOrigin(origin); }
Have any plans to create way-points for them so they could move around the map?
VERsingthegamez that is not the point of the chai script plz re read what it says, its only ment for knife lunges
Thank you very much! I finally can do knife lunge use a bot script
I downloaded the file and put it into my scripts folder but nothing works when I am in-game. Does someone know why and can help me make it work? Thanks
telows Did you find out how to get it to work? I am having the same issue.
You can't, there is no chai script anymore.
Xerxes thanks for letting me know
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