[Resource] Base Menu with and without Mapvote
Trickshot Menu Base
A lot of players ask about menu and things, im working on a few menu base. On this post i'll publish a few working menu on server side.
Menu Name: eeNgine
Author: eeNgine
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1-axDakq6c
Problem Solver: DoktorSASProblem Solved:
- Added VIP, VIP Gold, VIP Diamond rank and options
- Optimized the menu
Only Menu:
Github: https://github.com/DoktorSAS/BO2-GSC/tree/master/Mod Menu BASE
Menu + Mapvote:
Github: https://github.com/DoktorSAS/BO2-GSC/tree/master/Mod Menu BASE
Menu + Mapvote SND Version:
Github: https://github.com/DoktorSAS/BO2-GSC/tree/master/Mod Menu BASE
Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4f018d6e1a6263a18b770aa3aefecda44a6724ac1c8efd3d4fc8a4b26a401a0e/detection -
very good bro
Thanks alot works great !
did dont work i put them in the map mp gametypes and nothing
Do u put the _clientids.gsc in maps\mp\gametypes ? Because u have to put 1 compiled file, u need gsc studio to compile it in one file .gsc ,search some guide on google
Sorex i did i coplied and named it _clientids.gsc and i added my xuid but the menu dont open
Look if load, if load u can see tahnks to doktor sas on bottom left, and to open menu is knife + shoot, weird bind, but is to test
For me the map vote not working I choose a map and wait until the end of the game and than it showes like Next map Plaza after this the round ends and dosent loade Plaza it loades a other map dont know why can anyone help?
@NOXSYS Weird, the next map is on of the selected maps? Werid, do u change something? try to use only the mapvote menu, u can find it on forum, there another post with only the mavote menu
@NOXSYS try removing all maps that you have in your map rotation. Only set 1 map and it should fix this. (assuming this is your problem)
Sorex how do i have the vip and me being host
Duui YT Read inside the menu, there every info in there
Sorex there is nothing
Sorex I have a problem with the menu and it is that I would like to add a menu with all the maps when I add it they exit but they leave the menu frame there is no way to implement any command so that this does not happen when there are many elements
alejandrodarz is a simple base menu, u have to make a system to fix this, this menu is minimal and is for a few functions