D3DCOMPILER_47.dll is missing
What is ".net framework" ?
Abordur said in D3DCOMPILER_47.dll is missing:
.net framework
.net framework is required by most software written for windows.
you know how I can find it so I can update it
Abordur Does windows update not show an update for it? Should be in "optional components" or smth along those lines.
In this case I find nothing, I know you take a lot of time for me and I thank you for it but I really need help
Try this tool and install everything https://www.computerbase.de/downloads/systemtools/all-in-one-runtimes/.
I know it's in german but it should be pretty straight forward to use anyways. -
Are you sure this isn’t a problem with Dx9? By the way, this phrase "You should have a good reason to install them so as not to encounter unnecessary problems." is not very reassuring.
When I searched for Directx on my computer, I came across the file D3Dcompiler_47.dll, how is it possible
Abordur And where is that file? Could also be an outdated version of the file.
Just do as i said.. what's the big deal. Installing/updating all the runtimes using that tool will definately not hurt your pc.
Who said "You should have a good reason to install them so as not to encounter unnecessary problems"? I merely stated that installing windows updates is a good idea because well, it simply is. Why do you think updates are released? They aren't just for fun, they fix issues/bugs/security holes in your system.. -
We can go to discord so that I can share a screen with you, because I found the file and it’s strange: Abordur#9408
Abordur What does that even mean?
Just tell me which folder the file is in or post a screenshot. -
Yes that one belongs to CEF (used for the serverbrowser/main menu replacement which are done in html).
Just try copying that d3dcompiler_47 to the main game folder (where t6rmp.exe is).. not a recommended solution at all tho.. -
I don’t understand now I delete the files and reinstall the game or I put the file in the main game?
its ok ?
oooh yes !!
Abordur yes, try launching the game now.
Is working very big thx but is cut my other sounds
Is it normal ? -
Abordur It cut your sound? not sure what you mean.