[Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated Server
For those who try to use Ubuntu 20.04 / Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS Here are the WINE Setup for you!
# Allow i386 Architecture dpkg --add-architecture i386 && \ apt-get update && \ apt-get install wget gnupg2 software-properties-common -y apt install -y apt-transport-https # We will now setup the winehq key and repository wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key apt-key add winehq.key && \ apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ focal main' # Setup key and repository for dependency of wine wget -nc https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Emulators:/Wine:/Debian/xUbuntu_20.04/Release.key apt-key add Release.key && \ apt-add-repository 'deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Emulators:/Wine:/Debian/xUbuntu_20.04 ./' # Update repository apt-get update ## Now we will install wine apt-get install -y --install-recommends winehq-stable # Remove key files rm winehq.key Release.key
Also remeber to use a BareMetal / Dedicated server. VPS Server are not good and may decrease some performance and stability issues!
@NomexPlayZ Hey friend,
I will test with this configuration. I'm using docker and a container with only the server on (no players) easily consumes 70% of a CPU core (or 35% of two cores), probably some incompatibility of plutonium-bootstraper-win32.exe with wine, since it was probably written for windows.
I did a test on windows, the server on (without players) hardly consumes more than 5% of cpu.
I'm using a bare metal server with Ryzen 3600X + 500GB NVMe and 32gb ram
I try to start the Sever and get this error:
Visit plutonium.pw | Join the Discord (plutonium) for NEWS and Updates!
Server CelliXz | TDM | will load dedicated.cfg and listen on port 4976 UDP!
To shut down the server close this window first!
2022-05-22_17:39:18 CelliXz | TDM | server started.
002c:err:winediag:getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP
0050:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
0050:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
0050:err:systray:initialize_systray Could not create tray window
Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_mp
0024:err:system:NtUserChangeDisplaySettings Restoring all displays to their registry settings returned -1.
[DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
0024:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
0024:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.And idea how i can fix this?
CelliXz I am also getting this error, did you end up finding a way around it?
nocat. Had the same problem
apt install xvfb echo -e 'export DISPLAY=:0' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Xvfb $DISPLAY -screen 0 1024x768x16 &
But im stuck here
Plutonium r3043> ^7Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_mp ^7[STEAM] 1 calls ready, running... ^7[STEAM] running call 1 [DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
There is no heartbeat send and i cant find my server online
flopana Update
I've got it now running and sending heartbeats (I forgot to add the symlinks). But for some reason the server always tries to load a _rank.gsc which doesn't exist and throws an error
Setting net_port to "4976" from command line. bound socket to localhost:4976 Loading fastfile patch_ui_mp Loading fastfile ui_mp Loading fastfile ffotd_tu13_mp_147 Loading fastfile common_mp Loading fastfile common_patch_mp scanning for plugins... Rotating to map "mp_dockside"! server is changing maps, resetting stored team states... Sending heartbeat... Loading fastfile dlc0_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc1_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc2_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc3_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc4_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_mp Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_mp Loading fastfile mp_dockside Loading fastfile faction_seals_mp Loading fastfile faction_pla_mp Heartbeat successful. **** 1 script error(s): **** Unresolved external : "totalplayercount" with 0 parameters in "maps/mp/gametypes/_rank.gsc" at line 1 ****
flopana How did you fix this?
Synth How did I fix what?
I had as couple other unresolved externals, but i could get the server up and running, just not connect to it. (awaiting connection ... xx) then booted out to lobby. Even after updating plutonium using the plutonium-updater executable, same problem.
DoctorCoctor Same issue
Ok looks like the issue is only with T6 Server, I manually created a server by myself and it works.
Just make sure to create in the %localappdata% wine folder, the right server files, the right permissions, etc.Oh, and use winehq-stable, not staging, as it looks like there are some regressions.
I did a lot of trial&error since I did not know where to put everything but okay.
Edit: Dedicated.cfg must be put under rootgamefiles/main, otherwise is not being read somehow...
Idk why?
olie304 I know this is a year later but how well did the AWS hold and if it did good what one did you use?
Hey Minami
Thanks for your guide, that was very helpful!I have rewritten the script, so the server can also be installed on Arch Linux.
Also you can directly enter your server key.Here is the repo: https://github.com/xr4zz/T6Server
I will add a second script for installing IW4MAdmin in the near future as well. -
Minami Hello,
i would like to create my own server on my linux vps
i tried to setup my server with this tutorial https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/12870/guide-debian-t6-server-on-linux-vps-dedicated-server but unfortunatly this tutorial is outdated
my actual configuration:
Variable Region
_script="$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})"
Delete last component from $_script
_mydir="$(dirname $_script)"
Name of the server shown in the title of the terminal window
Your Game Path (where there is binkw32.dll)
Paste the server key from https://platform.plutonium.pw/serverkeys
Name of the config file the server should use. (default: dedicated.cfg)
Port used by the server (default: 4976) -> Don't forget to allow server port in ufw fail2ban
Game Mode ( Multiplayer / Zombie ) -> ( t6mp / t6zm )
End Region
Update Region
Plutonium game dir
Update your server game file
./plutonium-updater -d "$INSTALLDIR"
End Region
Server Start Region
echo -e '\033]2;'Plutonium - $NAME - Server restart'\007'
echo "Visit plutonium.pw | Join the Discord (plutonium) for NEWS and Updates!"
echo "Server "$NAME" will load $CFG and listen on port $PORT UDP!"
echo "To shut down the server close this window first!"
printf -v NOW '%(%F_%H:%M:%S)T' -1
echo ""$NOW" $NAME server started."while true
wine .\bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe $MODE $PAT -dedicated +start_map_rotate +set key $KEY +set net_port $PORT +set sv_config $CFG 2> /dev/null
printf -v NOW '%(%F_%H:%M:%S)T' -1
echo ""$NOW" WARNING: $NAME server closed or dropped... server restarting."
sleep 1
doneEnd Region
and i got this error:
could some one send me a tutorial to give me a possibility to create my own server, i am using debian 10
Sithey why don't you use window friend the bad thing about linux that this is not yet 100% compatible for linux there will be problems in my case I had it with cpu I used 100% of the cpu when using wine
Do not usesh
to launch your script.
. Like./T6Server.sh
orbash T6Server.sh
.And if you want reinstall, this is a new scripts installation : https://github.com/Sterbweise/T6Server
VZLAxSmoke Because no one wants to use Windows Server. That is not how modern hosting of any good service is done.
Minami Thank you for the guide!
Is there any hints/tricks to get a bit better performance? Sometimes my server lags for a few seconds but not sure what causes it -
This post is deleted!
help me when I launch the server I get the error that I did everything right I don't understand