My black ops 2 refuses to launch
My game gets stuck loading like this. I've tried literally everything. I've repaired my game atleast 20 times. I've factory reset my whole PC. Nothing has helped. I dont have any external AV. I have set exclusions for windows defender. It still stays the same.
Make sure when setting up exclusions for windows defender or any AV that it's set for
plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe and plutonium-launcher-win32.exe
located in AppData\Local\Plutonium\bin
estou tendo o mesmo erro mas não sei o que fazer
RedxSkull I have done that as well
Did you run the Redist files like updating DirectX and VC_redist. If that doesn't work then you could try updating windows, I've seen people with your kind of issue and it's usually either AV or they didn't run the Redist files
RedxSkull Done both