BO1 Plutonium: Knife Lunging Patched?
I am beginning to notice that some users are able to knife lunge in BO1 Zombies while others cannot. Maybe Plutonium allows different variations of BO1 to be used with the client, so subtle differences such as lunging could occur? If anyone can knife lunge, do you mind giving the BO1 version you're on (or is it the latest)? Or am I missing something here, cause I've been trying to lunge for a while now.
Claudi0 knife lunging hasn't been patched on Plutonium.
Claudi0 GSC custom scripts allows that. They can disable or add anything to their server. Like, extra perks, no perk limit etc.
Pistakilla Thanks for confirming that Pista
Do you have any suggestions on what might be causing this inability to lunge? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, if anyone has the time to demonstrate in-game?
Claudi0 make sure to have fps under 200 and fov about 100 and see if you have better knife lunging
Claudi0 knife lunging wonβt always happen
gijoebo Hi gijoe, thanks for the suggestions! Just tried them, and unfortunately I was still unable to lunge. Would you mind joining me in a lobby, or explaining to me what it is I might be doing wrong?
For reference, when I lunge, I "charge" by switching weapons, and pressing knife quickly (so the animation does not play out), but the lunge never actually happens when I knife again from a range.
All other users are commenting about this too. Could it have been patched?
I found a quick solution. While lunging on plutonium indeed remains in the files, the issue with lunging is actually rooted in BO1 as a PC application. When you start the game and the controller is connected, while gamepad settings is switched to enable in settings, lunging will be disabled. Go to settings, and disable the controller, and like that, lunging works. You will need to use K&B, but I just mapped my controller with DS4 to emulate a K&B and got this 'lunging' profile set up.
I hope this can be useful to somebody