[MAP] Crash from MW2
Crash from MW2.
All gamemodes and killstreaks are supported.Please report any issue in the comments or by mentioning me on Discord.
How to install?
Download the map from here.
Unzip your download into %localAppdata%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\usermaps -
this works in Multiplayer or only in Private Game?
also looks very cool man
SrDAvincci if you mean can it work on your server then yes
on several occasions this map causes the server to crash.
Kalitos That's why we call it crash Mann..
I don't see how the map would cause a server to crash. Are there any extra details for you to share?
Runs with BotWarfare
Kalitos said in [MAP] Crash from MW2:
on several occasions this map causes the server to crash.
Since this already happened multiple times you for sure can provide a crash dump or two, right?
RedxSkullreplied to Kalitos on Feb 11, 2023, 1:47 PM last edited by RedxSkull Feb 11, 2023, 3:56 PM
Kalitos Keep bots 10 or less with BotWarfare. This map sometimes will crash when there are more then 10 bots.
Xerxes https://mega.nz/folder/4IYjSI6R#I2HNhVgfGZ8T2c5yHmKpzA
I hope help with this. -
Unplayble with bots cuz random crashes... while Winter version have no crashes, but killstreakes are broken (invisible ceiling in the sky). I guess no Crash map in old MW3. Sad
Novakato Can you share any details of what issues killstreaks have? The MW2 version of the map doesn't have the same ceiling that CoD4 has so there shouldn't be any issues
I played a few games and it seems like everything works fine, so I take my words back, but... Escort Airdrop killstreak doesnt properly drop crates. The bird fly on the place, then going far above and drop crates there and the crates stuck in the ceiling. Pardon my poor english, but I think you see what happening on the screenshot anyway. The drop point right above the dead chopper and I dont know if this happening only there. Meanwhile regular Care Package drops normally at the same spot. I guess in MW 1/2 simply was no that kinda killstreaks, so the aircraft does not recognize the landscape properly. Everything else works normally so far. Maybe I will test it on different spots, but whatever, who cares, just saying.