new problem
CodWawer what happens when you try go in the game
without the plutonium or with plutonium without plutonium works perfectly but with plutonium gives me this error
are you able to get into the game with the plutonium version
CodWawer these are not errors and are irrelevant here.
Describe your issue with clear words -
it gives me this when i try to launch plutonium for cod waw co op and zombies
Error: Waited 2215 msec for missing asset "zombie_electric_shock_overlay".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_electric_shock_overlay".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_transporter_overlay".
Error: Could not load material "water_droplet".
Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray". -
ignore that -
CodWawer this is not an issue at all, as I said it's irrelevant.
Either describe your issue with english words or we can't help you because showing the console is useless with 0 context and what you show is not even errors it has to be ignored -
i ignored that sir but i tried again now gives me this warning WARNING: Could not find zone 'C:\Users\axer\Downloads\CallofDutyWorldAtWar\Call of Duty World At War\zone\english\localized_common.ff'
CodWawer where’d you get ur game files from? And if it’s from plutonium, tried to repair ur files?
i told earlier cracked i replaced them with the torrent files
CodWawer I have the same problem here, have you fixed it?