[Zombies] How do I become invisible to Zombies?
I was wondering if there was currently a mod or any sort of command to allow me to become Invisible to zombies? Please let me know! Thanks in advanced
I understand why you would want to use mods, but this was made so people wouldn't encounter modders, so if there was a way to do so I would feel sorry for the creators
lil_T_train5678 When I say mod, I'm talking about mods that can be done willfully and internally to ones own server they're hosting.
I'm not talking about using mods in other peoples servers... I'm trying to figure this out to use it as an alternative option as a 'pause' mechanic; for other players to use in MY own small server when they need to AFK.
I should also mention that cheats are allowed in the server for the sake of utilizing the 'noclip' command, but for moving out of bounds where the zombies can't hit players as a temporary solution. An Invisibility command would be a much better solution.
becoming invisible was only an option for modders because their menu would put up an invisible box of sorts in front of the player so the zombies AI couldn't detect them. Their is no way in vanilla to become invisible
hnlk dont listen the other guy, hes rambling nonsense. When in a custom game match type the following in console: sv_cheats 1; god
If you're tryna do it on your server, include sv_cheats 1 in your server config -
In script you can set .ignoreme on a player entity to 1.