BO2 Friends joining
Basically when my friend or myself try joining each other using direct connect it doesn't work nor double-clicking on the name in the F10 friends list if there is any way to help let me know pls.
Vahx has the host of the match tried these troubleshooting steps?
Dss0 i have the same issue, i have already tried the trubleshooting steps but thats not the problem, my friend tried the same and still won't work, what else can i do?
Puelmasturba pls create your own topic and post a screenshot of your port forwarding settings.
Dss0 im sorry for my bad english but where do i find my port forwarding settings
Puelmasturba again: create your own topic. Helping two separate people with separate issues will be confusing for everyone. Port forwarding is explained in the private match guide i linked above.