Need help starting a bo2 zombies server
I watched the video and followed every step. Then when I'm ready to start the server I double-click it and then it doesn't pop up how do I fix that.
Vahx post a screenshot of your server folder
Data Folder
Server Mods folder
My Pluto folder
[0_1623871123658_Help pls.mp4](Uploading 100%)
Vahx the server config files (dedicated_mp/dedicated_zm.cfg) don't go into the t6r folder but into the "main" folder, you have to create that one in your server folder so:
idk what that mod folder you got there is supposed to be, scripts can only be loaded from %localappdata%/Plutonium/storage/t6/scripts/mp or /zm (explained here
well either way I cant start my server up? And I did what the link said to do.
And whatever I just did make my game really laggy in fullscreen
Vahx hold shift and right click an empty area in the server folder -> open command prompt (or open power shell window) here -> type .\StartServer.bat into the command prompt and hit enter. This will tell you why the server doesn't start.
.\StartServer.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. is what is says and how do I fix that -
Vahx you didn't do it correctly then.. just type StartServer and hit tabulator, that should auto-complete it.