[Resource] [GSC] Working Tombstone Fix - Works on Tranzit and Town
I'm having some issues getting this to work, I'm getting these errors:
**** 5 script error(s):
**** Unresolved external : "array_thread" with 3 parameters in "tombstone" at l
ines 1,1 ****
**** Too many parameters: "vibrate" with 6 parameters in "tombstone"
**** Unresolved external : "array_thread" with 2 parameters in "tombstone" at l
ines 1,1,1 *The only lines that have been modified are lines 1 - 7, everything else has not been touched, only copied from the original post.
Here is the code:
#include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_perks; init() { isTown(); } solo_tombstone_removal() { notify( "tombstone_on" ); } turn_tombstone_on() { while ( 1 ) { machine = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "targetname" ); machine_triggers = getentarray( "vending_tombstone", "target" ); i = 0; while ( i < machine.size ) { machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].off_model ); i++; } level thread do_initial_power_off_callback( machine, "tombstone" ); array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 0 ); level waittill( "tombstone_on" ); i = 0; while ( i < machine.size ) { machine[ i ] setmodel( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].on_model ); machine[ i ] vibrate( vectorScale( ( 0, -1, 0 ), 100 ), 0,3, 0,4, 3 ); machine[ i ] playsound( "zmb_perks_power_on" ); machine[ i ] thread perk_fx( "tombstone_light" ); machine[ i ] thread play_loop_on_machine(); i++; } level notify( "specialty_scavenger_power_on" ); array_thread( machine_triggers, ::set_power_on, 1 ); if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback ) ) { array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_on_callback ); } level waittill( "tombstone_off" ); if ( isDefined( level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback ) ) { array_thread( machine, level.machine_assets[ "tombstone" ].power_off_callback ); } array_thread( machine, ::turn_perk_off ); players = get_players(); _a1718 = players; _k1718 = getFirstArrayKey( _a1718 ); while ( isDefined( _k1718 ) ) { player = _a1718[ _k1718 ]; player.hasperkspecialtytombstone = undefined; _k1718 = getNextArrayKey( _a1718, _k1718 ); } } } perk_machine_spawn_init() { match_string = ""; location = level.scr_zm_map_start_location; if ( location != "default" && location == "" && isDefined( level.default_start_location ) ) { location = level.default_start_location; } match_string = ( level.scr_zm_ui_gametype + "_perks_" ) + location; pos = []; if ( isDefined( level.override_perk_targetname ) ) { structs = getstructarray( level.override_perk_targetname, "targetname" ); } else { structs = getstructarray( "zm_perk_machine", "targetname" ); } _a3578 = structs; _k3578 = getFirstArrayKey( _a3578 ); while ( isDefined( _k3578 ) ) { struct = _a3578[ _k3578 ]; if ( isDefined( struct.script_string ) ) { tokens = strtok( struct.script_string, " " ); _a3583 = tokens; _k3583 = getFirstArrayKey( _a3583 ); while ( isDefined( _k3583 ) ) { token = _a3583[ _k3583 ]; if ( token == match_string ) { pos[ pos.size ] = struct; } _k3583 = getNextArrayKey( _a3583, _k3583 ); } } else pos[ pos.size ] = struct; _k3578 = getNextArrayKey( _a3578, _k3578 ); } if ( !isDefined( pos ) || pos.size == 0 ) { return; } precachemodel( "zm_collision_perks1" ); i = 0; while ( i < pos.size ) { perk = pos[ i ].script_noteworthy; if ( isDefined( perk ) && isDefined( pos[ i ].model ) ) { use_trigger = spawn( "trigger_radius_use", pos[ i ].origin + vectorScale( ( 0, -1, 0 ), 30 ), 0, 40, 70 ); use_trigger.targetname = "zombie_vending"; use_trigger.script_noteworthy = perk; use_trigger triggerignoreteam(); perk_machine = spawn( "script_model", pos[ i ].origin ); perk_machine.angles = pos[ i ].angles; perk_machine setmodel( pos[ i ].model ); if ( isDefined( level._no_vending_machine_bump_trigs ) && level._no_vending_machine_bump_trigs ) { bump_trigger = undefined; } else { bump_trigger = spawn( "trigger_radius", pos[ i ].origin, 0, 35, 64 ); bump_trigger.script_activated = 1; bump_trigger.script_sound = "zmb_perks_bump_bottle"; bump_trigger.targetname = "audio_bump_trigger"; if ( perk != "specialty_weapupgrade" ) { bump_trigger thread thread_bump_trigger(); } } collision = spawn( "script_model", pos[ i ].origin, 1 ); collision.angles = pos[ i ].angles; collision setmodel( "zm_collision_perks1" ); collision.script_noteworthy = "clip"; collision disconnectpaths(); use_trigger.clip = collision; use_trigger.machine = perk_machine; use_trigger.bump = bump_trigger; if ( isDefined( pos[ i ].blocker_model ) ) { use_trigger.blocker_model = pos[ i ].blocker_model; } if ( isDefined( pos[ i ].script_int ) ) { perk_machine.script_int = pos[ i ].script_int; } if ( isDefined( pos[ i ].turn_on_notify ) ) { perk_machine.turn_on_notify = pos[ i ].turn_on_notify; } if ( perk == "specialty_scavenger" || perk == "specialty_scavenger_upgrade" ) { use_trigger.script_sound = "mus_perks_tombstone_jingle"; use_trigger.script_string = "tombstone_perk"; use_trigger.script_label = "mus_perks_tombstone_sting"; use_trigger.target = "vending_tombstone"; perk_machine.script_string = "tombstone_perk"; perk_machine.targetname = "vending_tombstone"; if ( isDefined( bump_trigger ) ) { bump_trigger.script_string = "tombstone_perk"; } } if ( isDefined( level._custom_perks[ perk ] ) && isDefined( level._custom_perks[ perk ].perk_machine_set_kvps ) ) { [[ level._custom_perks[ perk ].perk_machine_set_kvps ]]( use_trigger, perk_machine, bump_trigger, collision ); } } i++; } } isTown() { if (isDefined(level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk) && level.zombiemode_using_tombstone_perk) { level thread perk_machine_spawn_init(); thread solo_tombstone_removal(); thread turn_tombstone_on(); } }
Just adding this code snippet in %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm\zm_transit should work fine. (Create all folders if not exist)
main() { replaceFunc( maps/mp/zm_transit_utility::solo_tombstone_removal, ::solo_tombstone_removal ); } solo_tombstone_removal() { return; }
Don't forget to compile it properly before adding it into that folder.
115Gameplays Works, thank you!
115Gameplays did not work for me, I receive the error
local variable 'maps' not found.
when compiling -
can someon pass the copiled file?
115Gameplays It’s still not working for me. I very well may not be doing it correctly though. Any more help would be greatly appreciated!
I got this error:
******* script compile error ******* [ERROR]:compiler:scripts/zm/hello.gsc:30:2: syntax error, unexpected notify ************************************
For those having this error, you can simply fix it by adding
behind the notify function.
Since the event is listened to it. -
This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
Altrucity hello it is possible that plutonium updated its way to interact with the game and the script no longer works
Still I have the scripts I made compiled in a GitHub repo where you can download here:
https://github.com/raulrm00/plutonium-t6-scripts/releases/download/v3.0.0/compiled_scripts.zip -
GabrielCrack I have the scripts I made compiled in a GitHub repo where you can download here: