im ban idk why anyone can help me pls
im ban idk why anyone can help me pls, i cant play now when i start the game they say im ban for 15 days for nothing i did nothing and im ban anyone have this problem pls ?
DId you happen to use any mods online or inject anything? Those automatically ban you for 7 days and by the sounds of it, you tried to login again which gave you another 7 days added to your ban
Please refer to this link so you can better understand what you might've done wrong:
BdawgTheSlaya nah i dont use any mods i juste pu a camo akatsuki i dont know if u know but just that and im ban
They don't tend to give out false bans. You must've done something to trigger the anti cheat to ban you. Again please refer to the link to see what might've triggered it:
Here's another link that goes a little more in depth of the anti cheat: