Stick Deadzone options
@lResxt I've been looking for one but they don't seem like they work on bo2 for some reason
How to change in game plz ?
JezuzLizard Thanks for replying to this post guys ! A friend of mine and myself just starting playing a few days ago on the servers and it's great. We've played many years on Xbox before that, and we also do feel the same as Zenoish regarding the controller issue.
We haven't been able to test out the deadzone value change since it is cheat protected but my friend fired up the old Xbox 360 to feel the difference and it truly is astonishing how the game is much more playable. I know this is kinda '' normal '' since the xbox is meant to be played with controllers and pc isn't but just wanted to let you guys know
Thanks in advance !
ZeLiNKK the command is gpad_stick_deadzone_min and then press the space bar once and type the desired deadzone as a decimal and hit enter but again most servers have cheats off and as of right now you cannot edit it as it is considered a cheat...If you just want to feel the difference I recommend loading up a private zombies game then turn on cheats and try the command for yourself.
Zenoish said in Stick Deadzone options:
ZeLiNKK the command is gpad_stick_deadzone_min and then press the space bar once and type the desired deadzone as a decimal and hit enter but again most servers have cheats off and as of right now you cannot edit it as it is considered a cheat...If you just want to feel the difference I recommend loading up a private zombies game then turn on cheats and try the command for yourself.
You can now change these dvars as needed on both IW5 and T6
Thank you guys so much
sorry for the trouble
Thank you guys ! will try it out later but thanks for listening to us
Matrix Will this change come to T4 at some point?
Matrix could you please implement configurable deadzones into t4 if you get a chance. .2 deadzone is so clunky. itβd just be nice to match my deadzones on waw with the ones i put on bo2 and mw3. those games run wonderful with the customizable deadzones.
Matrix hey man, thank you so much for your work and answer. it improved my experience so much! do you know if this works for Black Ops 1 as well? will it work in the future?
thanks! -
Hi guys, I know this topic is very old but Id also like to ask, please can you allow us to drop the Minimum deadzone to Zero. After playing modern CoD and having so many options coming back to this game (as good as it is still) feels like a nightmare. I make a LOT of tiny micro movements when centring and aiming and the 0.20 Deadzone makes this unplayable for me as any movement past the deadzone makes my aim jump.
Also while not Directly linked to deadzone, Would it be possible to get a response curve option? I usually play Linear on most recent games, but most play on Dynamic. This Quality of life improvement will make the game much more comfortable to current game players who want to come back and enjoy some classic Call of Duty, without the sudden Jarring change in how our inputs feel.
And as a SUPER bonus (though I wouldn't expect it) Would it be possible to add an affected FOV for ADS or just a separate FOV slider for ADS. For similar reasons as above points.
Thank you for all the work you have done so far.
Lunacy Phoenix open console and type in gpad_stick_deadzone_min 0.01