HD Origins [ZM] (upscaled x4)
Homy go to your plutonium folder the go storage/t6/images and drop the .IWI files there
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@Tentha lol
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@Tentha well almost everyone has got it working so its probably your pc
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@Tentha your game
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Did you know that I don't use any texture larger than 2048x ?
I Know that it can make the game crash, so I never use it and I don't really recommend to use a texture having a greater resolution than 2048x2048 honestlyEven a greater texture might cause that.
LKurama indeed, quality>size in general
AdrX003 I made Kino der toten HD too and there is a 200 (50+ hours of game) with no crashes.
the game already has some 4k textures, your point makes no sense -
@CrusherBone and ascension round 244 wr of 70 hours was played in 4k as well
@CrusherBone ye i also play BO1 Renaissance with everything in 4K and never had problems with it but i did a test recently by changing all of the textures to 2k and saw no like difference, im kinda just saying that on my experience theres a limit were it just doesnt need to be bigger
@CrusherBone I don't think 4k textures are useful honeslty
I don't really play CoD Zombies for high res textures that you will see once or twice per game, I don't have a lot of time for that.But your work can be applauded though
LKurama they are not meant for casuals, they are for people who grind the game a lot and go for a wr of reset, or do a lot of restarts for a good round speedrun or easter egg speedrun.
Thanks tho -
AdrX003 Well if your pc screen is 1920x1080 you probably dont see much diference, is la playing at 240 fps but your screen has 60 hz.
with a good screen you can see the diference better and i know that is not the usual player but for those who have them i think they would like to play it in full resolution -
LKurama and its kinda ironic that you say this since you are porting bo3 textures that have resolutions like this, or even 8k textures such as the skybox which goes over the 32 bit limit that bo2 has.
Although i think you would like to remember me for when bo1 pluto becomes a thing if you like porting stuff.
this is the intervention on Call of the Dead
This is mobs camo on bo1 (and animated) and misty hands
and this is the sliquifire
@CrusherBone I never used 4k texture resolution on my pack, but you're right. Bo3 use larger textures than the bo2 ones. But you shouldn't expect any texture larger than 2k on my packs.
And I don't know if you're using mods for bo1, but just changing the textures exactly the same way as bo2 or mw3 won't allow us to make animated textures, etc. And I won't make any mod there XD
Bone Crusher Where'd you get the zombie counter and timer on your hud from?