cheater/hacker named "CheaterDreamGuy"
found this guy on a verruckt server
got out of bounds and abused it and didn't care that he hacked to do it
Could be just a glitch or he own the server and have accesso to special command/feature -
I mean.... it's just pve lol, just leave the game that's it. Why should he be banned for modding in zombies lol. Especially if you joined a public server bro....
Sorex he doesn't own the server
@controlord from the looks of it he did not hack as you cant really no clip with out sv_cheats on servers unless he owns the server the other possibility is doing the classic sit on a barrier then alt tabbed out of the game as this is not really a hack but a glitch with the game.
This is something we will most likely not ban for as he is not really hacking but just abusing a glitch, I would just report them to the server's moderators / admins