Reverse Compliller
I used some .gsc files on my custom games, but some of them i dont like so much and i only find in the .gsc format, the compiler turns .txt to .gsc, but , is it possible to do the reverse? so i can edit what i want
Anthonyn115 a gsc file is just a text file it doesn't need a compiler. You just open a non compiled GSC file with a notepad, edit your stuff, save it then compile it.
You never need to convert a gsc file to a txt file.
As long as a file only contains text like it's the with .gsc .json and other file extensions you can open and edit it with any text editor including Windows notepad -
Resxt T6 doesn't include a gsc compiler like IW5, so you need to compile the scripts before using them.
Anthonyn115 you can try using to decompile it.