Solo Modding
Howdy. Huge fan of the platform. I was playing solo "online" on BOII Zombies and modding my points. When I relaunched I found I was banned. Is hacking the game not allowed at all? Or only on custom games where cheats are enabled? I'd appreciate if I could be unbanned and I'll take the advice given. This is the account that was banned. Thanks!
Puscslaya thanks! I guess I'll wait out the 14 days unless someone is kind enough to unlock my account
yeah you have to wait out your ban. and next time, when modding, use LAN mode or supported mods that won't get you banned.
we will not unban just because you did not launch the game in lan mode just because you were in a solo match using a 3rd party tool does not mean the Anti cheat was disabled. When launching the game when the play button is green means the Anti cheat is active at all times the only time it is inactive is if you launched the game in lan mode by clicking the down arrow next to play or the blank square. Also, to note the first ban is only 7 days so you made an account trying to bypass that said ban the next time you get banned will be a perm ban.
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