mw3 ff mod files
hi, mv3 ff files can be uncompressed with zonetool, but if i need to create ff files for my mod, can someone tell me how to do that?
Black-maks You will need to copy the dumped folder to your zonetool folder, rename it to mod, and create a csv (list of assets) in zone_source. Put any custom assets into zonetool/mod and list them in your csv and then open zonetool and type buildzone mod
Black-makswrote on Jul 13, 2022, 9:11 AM last edited by Black-maks Jul 13, 2022, 12:17 PM
Bubbles thank you very much, it worked. Now it will be easier for me to create my mod.
Bubbles something strange is going on with Zonetoll. if I unpack any ff archive it opens without problems, then I try to compile it back without any changes, it gives errors about the absence of any sound files, etc. but compiles ff without problems. But this assembled ff weighs less than the original and because of it the game crashes. Therefore, those ff that I collect from 0 are not visible to the game. Can someone come across this?
Bubbles i dont undestand. i create folder with mod_csv and weapon files and if i will buildzone mod_mp i see errors in zontool.
Black-maks Weapon sounds aren't stored in the common_mp. They can be found in the localized_common_mp (you will want both the sounds folder and loaded_sounds folder)
Bubbles the question is, why can't I build a ff file with only weapon configs? the developers did it anyway. And who can tell or throw off perktable.csv, I thought it was in common_mp, but after unpacking it, I don’t have it there.
Black-maks weapons require more than just a weapondef file. And depending on what you're doing, you're probably better off just editing xmodels. Can you explain exactly what you want to do?
Black-maks going back to this, it is most likely a disc read error. You never want to modify official game fastfiles because you will most likely run into issues
Bubbles I would like to change only the configs of some guns, make the magazine bigger or smaller, add a laser beam for the night vision device, maybe add new modules.