[MP & ZM] Return to Alpha
hindercanrun Hey man! I'm really interested in this mod! Are you still currently working on it? I had managed to replace some of the default menu stuff/img's with the pre alpha images for the menu. Once again awesome work so far!
GOLD3N 4RM oh okay thx
i just stumbled apon this and always loved how the pre-alpha looked and if you still need help with the low quality photos, i can upscale anything with the "Topaz Gigapixel AI" if you need it let me know add me on discord "aidenwrldv999"ps: keep up the good work
: >
I can see how the door that is normally closed is now open. Very appealing!
Awesome stuff
this is very interesting, have you heard the pre alpha round change for tranzit? i will try and get a file for it but i probably cant
Wow this is looking prety Great cant wait for it
Hope you finish this one day!
cookie no scope Interesting art
hindercanrun take ur time, the more time you have to work on it the more feedback you can get to make it better.
Doing gods work man. I am a MAJOR advocate for further research and development into BO2 alpha stages. We have playtests of WAW, BO1, etc... older cods from back then. We even have playtests of BO2 multiplater alpha, beta, and rigtht before launch. But nobody cared to preserve campaign... which is where all the zombies stuff is stored and runs from
. Look at my post history. The BO2 alpha content is by far the most interesting as we know the least about it and there is more content than other cut stuff from previous games like WAW/BO1. Also with modded maps just coming out for BO2 in 2024 when they existed for BO1 for nearly a decade now if not longer. Do your thing hindercanrun don't listen to an idiot like me, but I think idiots like me would want more of the alpha content then UI stuff. Like the original posts ambitions with ZC and cut guns etc... UI in game but outside game/lobby i'd care least about/could be done last. Though it is cool to see as its basically just the BO1 UI. Keep doing your thang man. Again big advocate for BO2 alpha anything.
Edit: Also the more people working on it the better and more likely to come to fruition. I know its your baby but like with BO3 modded maps (lex's dierise, transit remake, etc...) they take 2-3 years to even come out. I know the COTD one did and dierise already going onto its second year. Transit would be a miracle if they ever remade that. It's been 2 years since this is posted and IK ur doing it for the culture/free but more hands, eyes, and ears the faster we can play test stuff like this and even more people to offer help.
hindercanrun Brooo, what tools are you using? I thought Cawldwink said the tools at the moment are very limited?
Hope this goes somewhere far because of the new findings of the cut DLC 5
any download links?
undefined Xerxes moved this topic from BO2 Modding Releases & Resources on
Thanks Xer.
A few changes.
its looking pretty damn good