Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021
The matter at hand is unfortunate, but I'm glad they decided to address the issue to the community. Rather, then keep it to themselves. I just hope this doesn't happen again and no staff member decides to make money for themselves with users information. Yes, you can make money selling IP addresses and emails to 3rd parties. Another project called Teknogods had staff members that were doing this and nothing was done about it. Plutonium addressing this issue shows they do care about the community. Security just needs to be better, and not only from outside of plutonium, but within as well.
oh well i guess its time for me to play bo2 on the 360 now
FaZe Flick said in Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021:
Mr. Android truly embarrassing that you guys didn't know this information. And wanna know the worst part besides this overall? We still have yet to get a fucking update for bo1 Pluto but I see that's gonna take longer now just cause of this situation that happened. Yall need to be more alert with personal information amongst yourself to keep your client application and your forums safe. Otherwise people would move to a different client if this gets robust and personally I wouldnt want to do that because I think that pluto itself is a but more funner than the steam versions of these games even tho the development of bo1 is still a bit rubbish. Don't let us down again.
lil bro is asking for a lot from an unpaid staff team
Data breaches happen all the time... what do you think happens when google gets their data breached and millions of user's info gets sold as a result? I get why people are freaking out but at the same time, if somebody really wanted to come hunt you down, they would have done it by now.... Besides, I don't think some random stranger would want to hunt down some random person that plays video games in their freetime.
Not only to top this reply off... but do none of you realize that phone books are still a thing and every person's address is listed in the phone book as well as somebody's email and phone number? I'm not undermining the seriousness of the situation, I'm just simply stating that overworrying doesn't help anyone and giving shit to the staff of Plutonium isn't fair. Anybody can get hacked, that's just the risk you take when you use the internet.
chasef7 said in Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021:
FaZe Flick said in Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021:
Mr. Android truly embarrassing that you guys didn't know this information. And wanna know the worst part besides this overall? We still have yet to get a fucking update for bo1 Pluto but I see that's gonna take longer now just cause of this situation that happened. Yall need to be more alert with personal information amongst yourself to keep your client application and your forums safe. Otherwise people would move to a different client if this gets robust and personally I wouldnt want to do that because I think that pluto itself is a but more funner than the steam versions of these games even tho the development of bo1 is still a bit rubbish. Don't let us down again.
lil bro is asking for a lot from an unpaid staff team
Your constant dickriding isn't helping, either. So shut the fuck up and sit down, kiddo.
Good project but
As a used-to-be supporter of Plutonium, hearing this is unsurprising. I disliked Plutonium staff as most of them tend to be complete jerks. This is also shown in the way you muted every channel leaving modding and support questions to be solved on their own and I bet you you'll pull a Pokimane and filter out specific words or mute people to let this die down instead of answering questions of what actually happens next when it comes to privacy and security. Maybe because you don't even know.
There is absolutely no way that the staff member noticed them trying to breach several sensitive accounts except for their Plutonium backup? How does that even work. You would think that if you are being targeted on not just one account but several, that maybe they'd also go for your Plutonium account. Most of all, how did you notice the exfiltration of the data the first time? I bet that staff member was specifically targeted and they most likely have spoken to their attacker some day. Why would a staff member even need access to so much information when you guys treat them like friends and not workers. Hopefully this is a learning lesson that shows just how little trust there is in business whether the wrongdoings were done on purpose or not. If you guys can't even create a simple filtering system, I wouldn't expect you to take less than half a year to figure this out. Hopefully one day a different client comes about so that a lot of us can switch.
I bet you one of your culty discord followers that loves admins is going to reply with something dumb too.
Invenios If an admin doesn't like someone, they can by all means DDoS attack them or leak it out to have anyone go at it.
FIamezKiIIer you talk real tough for a bitch boy
Daltax Yeah idk why people are only talking about the ip addresses being leaked like, oh no somebody on the internet knows somebody who uses my wifi plays cod on it
Sad to hear with the databreach, and i can understand some of the arguments of the people here. However, people going crazy about IP-Adresses. If you are really scared that your IP could be leaked, then you should play Singleplayer. Every Dedicated Server has your IP-Info. If you really beeing that paranoid you shouldn't installed Plutonium.
Thank you for your transparency, a lil late, but better than never.
And no, the Plutonium Dev's not going to DDoS someone, or leaking IP's just by not liking someone. Jesus, what a wild year
fiftysdeath said in Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021:
Data breaches happen all the time... what do you think happens when google gets their data breached and millions of user's info gets sold as a result? I get why people are freaking out but at the same time, if somebody really wanted to come hunt you down, they would have done it by now.... Besides, I don't think some random stranger would want to hunt down some random person that plays video games in their freetime.
Not only to top this reply off... but do none of you realize that phone books are still a thing and every person's address is listed in the phone book as well as somebody's email and phone number? I'm not undermining the seriousness of the situation, I'm just simply stating that overworrying doesn't help anyone and giving shit to the staff of Plutonium isn't fair. Anybody can get hacked, that's just the risk you take when you use the internet.
"I don't think some random stranger would want to hunt down some random person that plays video games in their freetime."
Allways was happen in the Scene. Black Ops 2 Booting/DDoS attacks, MW3 Server DDoS Attacks, all the things happen in past years.
Phone books are a thing, but in my Country its totally free of decision, you don't need to be in the phone book, so the argument is a bit lacking in comparison on databreaches
chasef7 said in Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021:
FIamezKiIIer you talk real tough for a bitch boy
Correct, kid. I don't fear anyone.
You think you can just come here and try to insult others by defending people who should own up to their mistakes.
Let me tell you something son. You think you're bigger than me and bigger than everyone here because they're all concerned over a security risk that happened last year.
FIamezKiIIer Back off. I can rant to them if I want to; I have the right to do so. I've been doing it a lot anyway cause of how things have been with their development.
FaZe Flick Even well known and paid companies like google have been data breached many times. Netflix is notorious for data breaches. Need to give plutonium a break, because this isn't new to anyone and plutonium isn't getting paid for anything.
A Former User said in Notification of Plutonium Forum Databreach - September 2021:
God, are people really this dumb? Private IP addresses wouldn't be affected by an external IP address breach; and, even if they were, so what? You can not do anything with a public IP address unless you port forward, which is required in service hosting, so it's publicly available anyways.
Everyone is crying about the IP address leaks. It's PUBLIC INFORMATION. Anything you connect to on the internet has and logs your IP address. So people are really worried about an IP more than an email? Jesus Christ, stop talking about things you aren't educated in people.Plus, why would you not sign up using an email different from your main email? Any free service should be used by a separate email, now you guys blame plutonium who is giving out free games and hosting services, a small team, like nothing could go wrong with security?! Stop crying about things that don't matter and educate yourselves for Gods sake.
Yeah, lmao, Microsoft has never been the victim of data breaches. Not to mention the endless mod menus on Xbox that allow anyone to see your Microsoft ID and IP addresses! YOU PEOPLE ARE DUMB. -
KrKd AxiZ I think the anticheat works very well, if the anticheat didnt work then why is there no cheaters? I have never once ran into any cheaters on Pluto, the only time you MIGHT find a cheater is when a server admin is a dick and has a gsc mod menu loaded into the server that only THEY can access. Other then that, you would have to do things to cheat that the anticheat detects and will ban you for..
Spoiler Text
Mr. Android Sad to hear that. But no problem, I know plutonium would investigate and will catch that hacker. I trust&support plutonium and it's developers.
INSANEMODE I don't understand, could you be more specific?