[MP/ZM] Black Ops II Mapvote
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Anyway to add more modes and maps?
Bkilla03 more than what? Dvars are documented
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Awesome script, so thank you for that. Just wondered if there is any way to randomize the first map/mode? Upon loading the server, the first map under sv_maprotation in the .cfg is loaded, which for me is exec tdm.cfg map mp_hijacked.
Smudge62 thanks. Yeah that's how the game/servers handle it. I never bothered trying to override this.
I don't have time to look into it but it's either possible by writing a Powershell script that would replace this line and then run the .bat for you or have something in the game that detects first boot and starts the mapvote for exampleI wrote this Powershell script for myself back when I was hosting servers for that purpose
It doesn't run the bat after changing the dvar but this could easily be edited to do that too$modes = @('dem', 'dom', 'koth') $maps = @('mp_la', 'mp_dockside', 'mp_carrier', 'mp_drone', 'mp_express', 'mp_hijacked', 'mp_meltdown', 'mp_overflow', 'mp_nightclub', 'mp_raid', 'mp_slums', 'mp_village', 'mp_turbine', 'mp_socotra', 'mp_nuketown_2020', 'mp_downhill', 'mp_mirage', 'mp_hydro', 'mp_skate', 'mp_concert', 'mp_magma', 'mp_vertigo', 'mp_studio', 'mp_uplink', 'mp_bridge', 'mp_castaway', 'mp_paintball', 'mp_dig', 'mp_frostbite', 'mp_pod', 'mp_takeoff') $config_file_path = 'C:\Users\Resxt\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\dedicated.cfg' $random_mode = Get-Random -InputObject $modes $random_map = Get-Random -InputObject $maps $maprotation = 'sv_maprotation "exec '+$random_mode+'.cfg map '+$random_map+'"' (Get-Content $config_file_path) -replace '^(sv_maprotation.*)$', $maprotation | Out-File $config_file_path
Resxt thanks for that. I'll have a play around with it and see if I can come up with something.
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