Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimagined
Holy Fucking Shit WHAT?! this it fucking outstanding man best thing i have ever seen in a game like bo2 with limited modding ability love the fact that mr avocado can give you drops now and you can call elevators now (which lex would be happy bout that
) a better whos who (Love leroy dance
) no more the gramaphone hassle AND FUCKING GRIEF WITH ALL DIFFRENT MODES OMG I WANT TO KISS YOU but some questions tombstone in solo works ok but it gives you back quick revive too?! thats just infinite downs my guy and for shield i hope only the owner can break it cuz if not then its not going to be a good feature and how would electric trap work it better have time break or it will be broken and i didnt get what you did to staffs revive parts and you dont have to do this one but can you make dedzens 4 knife hit so that Bowie and knuckles have more value to them in map then again i couldnt be happier for bo2 zombies you sir made down right perfect
also you just gave me a new fav song thanks
Heres a suggestion RedxSkull said in Can i rid of these Clouds Textures?:
NickB_05 You just have to disable the FX called fx_zmb_fog_transition. Here is the stock script with fx_zmb_fog_transition comment out. Go to AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6 Make a folder called maps then inside that folder called mp. Drop the script into that folder.
its for tranzit fog areas that your gonna run through them
tell me one more thing how much time it took? -
yooo this is so good
- Decreased number of melees to kill from 5 to 3
- Decreased number of melees to kill with Bowie Knife from 3 to 2
- Decreased number of melees to kill with Galvaknuckles from 2 to 1
GhostRider0125 how much time it took to remove the 'fog walls'?
It would've probably taken less than 5 minutes -
Jbleezy You have broken every expectation of the game that I had when it came to mod tools. Honestly your work is amazing. I’ll check this mod out for myself and play it cuz this may just be the thing I wanted for so long.
Jbleezy does this mod contain the custom survival maps there were from remix as well?
FaZe Flick Power, Cornfield, Tunnel, Diner. Are not custom maps. They have always existed within the game files since release, but were not playable due to missing assets and Treyarch didn't bother to finish them to ship the game on time. So these maps were cut out and removed from the menu, but mods like this one added what was missing and is now playable. Remix, Bonus maps, etc, Are many mods that have done this as well. Reimagined did a great job with the cut out maps though. I enjoyed playing with this mod
awesome. so i get to play those maps within a mod that wont even break my game
forgot to mention, and its a bit concerning; not saying its bad but why did you do all maps except nuketown, or did you edit nuketown as well even tho it doesnt show in the trailer release?
Initial perk is no longer always Quick Revive in solo
Initial perk no longer always spawns in the starting area in solo
Initial perk spawns at round 1 in coop
Perks spawn every 5 rounds
Those are the only changes for Nuketown, I didn't have enough time in the trailer to show every change. Look through the changelog for all the details.
Hey man, I am a big fan of BO1 reimagined and am stoked that you finally released BO2 reimagined but I must say that this isn't such a cut and dry upgrade from the regular game for me as was with your BO1 mod. There are a few things that bother me and would like to point them out.
Universally removing the fog is in my eyes a necessary change for tranzit but its removal very negatively impacts the other maps. For example in mob of the dead if you go down the gondola and look at the docs it looks kinda weird and barren without fog on the edges of the map. Looks less "evil" in a way. Takes away a tiny bit from the map, otherwise fine. The big one is origins. Whoah. A LOT of atmosphere is just gone from origins without the fog. Gone is seeing the robots emerge from the fog, you can clearly see the outlines of the big ass agarthan hole in the skybox. Or if you stand on the scaffolding up to PAP and turn to face jugg or any other direction really you can see across the entire map out into the hideous outskirts. Makes the map feel a lot smaller and uglier, I can't really put it into words because I'm stupid.
The powerup drops are a bit too frequent. When playing with a buddy we often got 2 max ammo's in the same round less than a minute apart. I think its just a tad overdone but otherwise a non issue.
Changing the zombie blood to just make you invulnerable kinda defeats the point of zombie blood in my eyes. I know it's supposed to be a sidegrade, have the same or similar effect or whatever but it just changes it too much in my opinion. Loses the core of zombie blood.
The time bomb is also something where I understand that it is a MUCH better utility now but it's just not a time bomb anymore.
I wish things like the 3 hit down or the removal of the DOF could be a toggle but totally understand if that can't be changed.
Changing double tap 2.0 to function as a flat 50% bullet damage buff is weird to me. I understand that for the BO1 mod since BO1 didn't have double tap 2.0 and it was a very good change there. But here where it was already fine the way it was doubling bullets and what not... I don't see the reason to change it. I would leave double tap the way it was and just change deadshot to give a 50% extra headshot damage instead.
MOTD solo only 1 afterlife I also understand to make it harder so you don't have 3 quick revives but it makes the set up a bit too slow for my liking. Would love to have it be that if you die from a zombie it takes up all of your afterlives but if you willingly go into afterlife it just takes 1 and have the regular 3 max.
Die rise has great changes. The new bank and weapon locker are very interesting and fun. Who's who is cool.
Origins changes are at the same time very welcome and also just change the map way too much. I love that I can now just jump into the map and have fun, build a staff, upgrade it without having to have a guide open. Glowing dig spots change is also very welcome in my eyes. Golden shovel and golden helmet changes are very nice. Soul box changes also perfect. Teleporter changes are great. I guess origins is origins because of the fuckton of shit you have to pick up and having all the records, shield parts, maxis drone parts when you spawn in is kinda soulless. Maybe have it so we at least have to pick up the records. I think that would be a good compromise.
Buried changes make Leroy feel very useless
I understand streamlining the zombie experience but I think this mod goes a bit too far in that aspect. I would say 80% of the changes are fantastic and it's just the other 20% that could be adjusted. Otherwise I had a great time with the mod and can't wait to see what you do next.
valditko Sharing your opinions about the mod is fine, but it shouldn't be changed by him, because it wasn't how you wanted it. Takes away the experience that others didn't get to try out yet. If you look at the source code. You can tell he spent a long time developing this mod. Any changes you want for your own personal take. Change it as you will. Since the source code is provided. It's a solid mod and well developed
You can add back fog with
r_fog 1
and DOF withr_dof_enable 1
Zombie Blood is very annoying when going for high rounds. I feel like this version of Zombie Blood is still on theme for the powerup.
I think having staff parts to pick up on Origins is enough.
You are underestimating the use of Arthur. It is a very good trap for going for high rounds, and allows you to revive players easier while he kills all the zombies around.
valditko understandable on some points. some if not most of these are map aesthetics but the majority of people, like myself, wanted stuff like the tranzit fog to be removed
bruh i just remembered a part of the trailer with emp isnt it to much that it disables all your perks
Just don't EMP yourself
It's mainly added for Grief.