BO2 SetPerk Command
Does anyone know the correct format for the "setPerk" command in zombies? Specifically for BO2. Everywhere I look people know the exact format for this command on BO1, but that format does not work for me on BO2, and no one online seems to know the correct format for BO2, so if anyone here uses that command at all or knows the correct format I would greatly appreciate it. (And if anyone knows how to disable the negative effects from the "give" command on certain zombies maps that would be useful too)
UPDATE: The command works, it just does not show the perk icon on your screen! My new issue is that I only have the information for the name of the perks in this command on BO1 for Mule Kick (additionalprimaryweapon), Speed Cola (fastreload), Quick Revive (quickrevive), and Double Tap (rof). I need the code for Stamin Up, I've tried "marathon" and "staminup" in an attempt to figure it out, but neither of those seem to work. Any ideas would be appreciated.
stamina up = specialty_unlimitedsprint
Ultimateman I think its specialty_longersprint
its either one, I'd try both.