[Release] [Client Side] BO1 Takeo Viewhands Mod!
takeo! you should be dead ZNS why are you in mp in war
Please ... Rip JFK viewhands
sadslothxl No wait. Now i see all the characters use this viewhands. In hindside kind of boring.
is it possible to rip the hands from victor charlie ? they look sick
sadslothxl yes, i mean only if you want to do a pack of black ops 1 viewhands. one viewhands are enough for me
I don't know texture mods a lot right now, but I do believe you cannot change the player viewmodel/hands specifically for each player in "Five", I believe each character wears the same exact skin. Meaning you'd change the viewhands texture, making all 4 characters use that same texture.
Takeo bout to start quick scoping for the emperor.
Could u actually do like bo2 origins Dempsey hands for all the characters?