Bot warfare error mw3
cYBORG1 Remove the script from the "maps" folder, I think you tried to use "botwarfare" and it didn't copy all the files.
there is no script in the maps folder
cYBORG1 one of those scripts tries to call another one that doesn't exist. Look at a default plutonium folder. there are some custom scripts you are using.
I see that you have bots.txt at the root of iw5 so maybe you have 2 installs of BW. I would recommending deleting the entire iw5 folder (backup what you want to keep) then add things one by one again.
If you get Bot Warfare get it from the Github don't use an old backup you have
even restoring the "IW5" folder by deleting it, the error still persists
Bot warfare is up to date plutionium is up to date
must be missing some file -
on my server on "iw4x" it works perfectly
Kalitos I already deleted the iw5 folder and added some scripts and nothing solves this error
cYBORG1 then you installed something somewhere or you didn't restore properly
I tested it on another pc, but the error remains
cYBORG1 I recommend you do a clean install of plutonium again and see what happens.
Kalitos ok
Kalitos I tested it on 2 pcs and still the error persists
I give up hahaha -
cYBORG1 Do you use the same base folder of the game?
Kalitos no, it's another folder
cYBORG1 Your mistake is that there is no script that needs "_bot.gsc". It should be in the plutonium "maps/mp/bots/" folder. The last thing left is to see your folder "maps/mp/bots/
Kalitos it worked out
I reinstalled the game in a different folder and added everything updated