Bo2 zombies frozen screen
So I have no problems with MP but when i get in a game of zombies, solo, online or other my screen gets frozen after like 30 mins into a game but the sound still plays like the gun hots from other players and ive seen no fixes or other solutions so i hope someone can help me out. also if anyone knows what could be the cause of my problem would also help.
ok so i think i found a fix for those who want to know. So first go into the bo2 folder with the application for the zombies mode. then right click on it and go to properties and click the compatibility. Run it with windows 8 and it should fix the problem. If you dont get what im saying, i understand so mesage me and ill try and help
awesome i had that sinse 2020
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RealJ_quillin Bro, I have the problem with Bo2 Zombies, could you help me please?
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