Gsc script to start with points
a gsc script to start with a certain amount of points, only once
post here if you found it btw i appreciate
heres one i made
#include common_scripts\utility; init() { level waittill( "connected", player ); player thread points(); } points() { self.score += 1000000; //max points in black ops 2 wait 4; iprintlnBold( "Your points have been set to: " + self.score ); //you can comment this out by putting a // at the start of the line }
new to everything pc lol, how do you use these scripts? could i just put this in the command or is it something within the game
luh_crayy you put it in notepad, save the file as a .gsc file in the right folder (read the doc)
Lemon Thanks Legend
Lemon thanks for making this script, but it doesn't work on mob of the dead because when you spawn, you start on afterlife mode so when i revive myself i start with 500 points
@Ultimate0 add some wait time before the points, like this
#include common_scripts\utility; init() { level waittill( "connected", player ); player thread points(); } points() { wait 10; // revive yourself in this time self.score += 1000000; //max points in black ops 2 wait 4; iprintlnBold( "Your points have been set to: " + self.score ); //you can comment this out by putting a // at the start of the line }