How do i remove the running zombies?
Re: [Release] [ZM] BO2 Remix Mod
a person said to remove the entire line and it kept giving this errori'd really appreciate any help
Hello MoChestnuts To remove the sprinting zombie it simple just go Remix2.gsc then search for this
replaceFunc( maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility::set_run_speed, ::set_run_speed_override );
You must make this code comment to do it just put // back of the code
Like this//replaceFunc( maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility::set_run_speed, ::set_run_speed_override );
Now it show comment that mean this script of zombie sprint is disabled
it must be green in VSCODE
Then compile it and put in script folder
i hope your problem is fix
And sorry my english is not good i hope you understand
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iHarrow thank you for the help but i'm very new to this and when i open the file with notepad++ i see this,can you guide me in discord if you have time please and thanks in advance.
meromoro is my @ -
iHarrow update
i managed to decompile it and do what you told me to do but how do i compile it again? -
This post is deleted!
MoChestnuts my friend there is a source code on Github delete the decompile version and get a source code then edit it like i told you
To compile go to this Github repo
Download two files
Now create a new folder (name it anything)
put these files into a folder then put your script that you got it from github to folder then edit it then drag your script(Remix2.gsc) then drop it to compiler.exe
after you do that it will show like this
now take Remix2-compiled.gsc to a script folder for t6zm then delete old Remix2.gsc and put this Remix2-compiled.gsc then rename it to Remix2.gsc
iHarrow ok i will try