[OUTDATED] BO2 Custom Classes + Custom Classes Tool Generator
Give Custom Class
Developer: DoktorSAS________________
Download link or url of the tool will be relased soon. I lost the old uncompiled files so i nee to recreate the tool. It will probably change into a webversion.
This is a simple system to give class, not an hard code but is a code helpful to make things faster.
This method can be used to give class after palyer spawn/respawned automatically.
The classnameP is the name of the class, with a switch in onPlayerSpawned() is possibile to spawn with the selected classes.Implements this code to use the tool
giveCustomClass( weap1, weap2, classnameP, equip1, equip2){ //Made By DoktorSAS self takeallweapons(); self.classnamePlayerP = classnameP; self iprintln("Class ^2Choosed"); self giveweapon("knife_mp",0,true(0,0,0,0,0)); self giveweapon(weap1,0,true(0,0,0,0,0)); self givemaxammo(weap1); self giveweapon(weap2,0,true(0,0,0,0,0)); self givemaxammo(weap2); self giveweapon(equip1); self setWeaponAmmoStock(equip1,1); self giveweapon(equip2); self setWeaponAmmoStock(equip2,1); self switchtoweapon(weap1); self baseperk(); } baseperk(){ self clearperks(); self setperk("specialty_additionalprimaryweapon"); self setperk("specialty_fastequipmentuse"); self setperk("specialty_fastladderclimb"); self setperk("specialty_fastmantle"); self setperk("specialty_bulletpenetration"); self setperk("specialty_fastads"); self setperk("specialty_longersprint"); self setperk("specialty_fastweaponswitch"); self setperk("specialty_fallheight"); } exemple(){ giveCustomClass("dsr50_mp+steadyaim+fmj+extclip", "ksg_mp", "DSRKSG", "sticky_grenade_mp", "proximity_grenade_mp" ); }
Download this tool to make custom classes easily
Class Generator v1.1:- Fixed Gun IdName clone
- Added Equipment #1 and Equipment #2
Github: https://github.com/DoktorSAS/BO2-GSC/tree/master/Class Generator
VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/c5258d78efdf262588fcf634bae883a3ec668dbf1731f2cb655ab3e7d3c5a9a8/detection
Developer: DoktorSAS
I removed the advertisement from your post.
Okey, no problems
Nice release.
Sorex There is a problem with your tool, every time I choose a secondary weapon in the code, it repeats the primary weapon in the secondary and adds the accessories, you can see in the image of the same post.
Also I can't choose not to put a secondary weapon, don't let me ..
My bad, now i'll fix it, my bad. Now i can't use the pc with the source code but when i can i'll fix it, i'll remove the link and i put it back when solve it.
Thanks for the support Kalitos -
Sorex Great job. It works now. Cool
This post is deleted!
Sorex how do i use this?
u have to implents the code in your mods, after that u have to create a classes with the tool, copy the code and paste it in your mods(i mean u have to peste it like new options of your menu).
This is tool for mod Developer, is a simple tool to help the mod developer to generate classes for a class menu inside a menu (this is an exemple). I use it for a menu section with classes and for overwrite classes, thats make my life easier -
I already added everything but I can't get classes, What exactly should I put in onPlayerSpawned ()
alejandrodarz You have to add it on menu options or u can combine it with overwrite classes code
Sorex for me it jus puts the lethal and nonlethal but not the guns
Triki Have you choosed the classes? this tool is for mod developer
Sorex hey could i please get some help im quite new and dont exactly know what to do haha
ImBoredInnit said in [Release] BO2 Custom Classes + Custom Classes Tool Generator:
help im quite new and dont exactly know what to do hah
I would love for this to be updated, I want to be able to make a secondary my primary and my secondary a sniper.
qweqwe333 its there a way to still get the tool
This its not made to replace your classes, this tool just generate a GSC code that "gsc modders" can use to build custom classes to give. Its just a tool use full for coders not for trickshotters.
Sorex I seen a person in bo2 plutonium with LB Semtexs like for bo2 recoveries on Xbox/ps3
Bo2 custom class and camos not showingclass not showing in game and in lobby