[Release] MW3 Style Infection Gamemode *UPDATED 10/20/2020*
Developer: @ItsCahz
Download Link: https://github.com/Paintball/BO2-GSC-Releases/tree/master/Multiplayer Mods/MW3 Styled Infection
OLD Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/rtlkzu
(couldn't get the image to upload)Hey guys, I had a few friends who wanted to play infection today, and I couldn't find a working one released to the public. So I decided to make my own version today and release it!
Basically the game works exactly as you would expect from Infected on MW3.
This mod runs best with Team Deathmatch as the gamemode.
The goal of Infected is to stay alive as long as possible.SURVIVORS
Random Primary (mtar, msmc, m27, or remington)
Secondary (fiveseven)INFECTED
First Infected gets survivor loadout until there is more than one person infected.
Knife and Tomahawk only afterwards.EDITING LOADOUTS
Customizable DVARS that can be used to edit the game settings. You can copy paste these DVARS into your dedicated.cfg file and edit values.ALL DVARS ARE SET TO THEIR CURRENT DEFAULTS
scr_scorestreaks 0 set infectedTimelimit 10 set enableFirstInfectedLoadout 1 set survivorPrimary "hk416_mp+reflex+extclip,insas_mp+extclip+rf,pdw57_mp+silencer+extclip" set survivorSecondary "fiveseven_mp+fmj,fnp45_mp+fmj" set survivorTactical "flash_grenade_mp,willy_pete_mp" set survivorGrenade "bouncingbetty_mp,sticky_grenade_mp,frag_grenade_mp,hatchet_mp" set enableScavenger 1 set infectedPrimary "knife_mp" set infectedSecondary "hatchet_mp" set enableTacInsert 1
Version 1.1-
Added tactical insertions for infected team
Added a string table for infected people's names, checks if they were already infected on connect (Great idea Ox_)
Removed Overflowfix - didn't run into any issues when testing without overflowfix
Version 1.2- Changed the infected table to save players xuid values instead of names (Great idea TheHiddenHour)
Version 2.0- Edited and moved scripts into tdm.gsc for stablility
- Added customizable DVARS for gamesettings and loadouts
- Added a waiting function for players to be in the game
Good job man, nice work, i didnt test it, but nice work
Good stuff.
And for some small improvement suggestions:
I'd recommend you store the infected players and then compare against it ononPlayerConnect()
That way people can't rejoin to become not infected.Also, loadout selection could be a lot more diverse and include tactical/lethal equipment as well as camos, just because camos are cool.
And fix the indenting in the code, it's horrible haha.
Ox_ in the initial release, i going to include a random camo on spawn for each person, but I liked the no camo look. It felt like mw3 infected as close as possible lol.
As for the indentation, i copy pasted from gsc studio without double checking the output into github. I'll fix it when i get some free time later this morning.
I totally forgot that infected had tac inserts as well!
And the idea for storing infected names is a great one. I'll definitely add that as well -
Cahz said in [Release] MW3 Style Infection Gamemode:
Ox_ in the initial release, i going to include a random camo on spawn for each person, but I liked the no camo look. It felt like mw3 infected as close as possible lol.
As for the indentation, i copy pasted from gsc studio without double checking the output into github. I'll fix it when i get some free time later this morning.
I totally forgot that infected had tac inserts as well!
And the idea for storing infected names is a great one. I'll definitely add that as wellYe, gsc studio is cancer as a text editor. Indenting might look correct there, but it most definitely isn't haha.
Cahz Is it possible to change the weapons assigned to the first infected?
Because whenever I go to play with a friend, there are only 2 of us, and I am the first infected, I appear with a weapon and so it is not fun because I can easily kill him.
That the first infected have the same equipment as the rest of the infected. It would be great -
Kalitos If you wanted to change the first infected weapons, you can change it within the weaponMonitor script.
if(isDefined(self.infected)) { if(level.infectedCount == 1) { if(self getCurrentWeapon() != (level.survivorWeapons[level.survivorPrimary]) && self getCurrentWeapon() != level.survivorSecondary && self getCurrentWeapon() != "none") self thread giveWeapons("Survivor"); } else { if(self getCurrentWeapon() != level.infectedPrimary && self getCurrentWeapon() != level.infectedSecondary && self getCurrentWeapon() != level.infectedTactical && self getCurrentWeapon() != "none") self thread giveWeapons("Infected"); } }
All you'd need to do is change out what is given under if(level.infectedCount == 1)
You might want to store player XUIDs instead of names. Very nice
TheHiddenHour didn't even consider this when making it. Great idea. Updated now
Cahz There is a problem, when a survivor disconnects, level.totalalive is not updated, which should subtract 1, and if that same client reconnects, the level.totalalive adds 1 since when it reappears it is the code of level.totalalive + = 1
Cahz do I copy and paste this in the infected.dsr? If not, where do I paste the code?