[Release] SND & TDM Mapvote menu on end game
Sorex is it also for a TDM mode?
Kalitos yes
Sorex I was testing it, commenting on the problems:
- The images of the maps do not load
- When the game ends, the votemap begins but as soon as the final chamber of death begins it overlaps the voting menu and does not allow players to vote.
Kalitos Weird on me everything work, image load and is possible to vote on endgame, do u tuch something?
Okey i found 2 errors but i dont have your errors -
Sorex said in [Release] SND & TDM Mavote menu on end game:
Okey encontré 2 errores pero no tengo tus errores
Tried with a real game, where there is a final killcam?, Because when I try it on my server myself, killing myself, no final final killcam
This I get, at the end of the game when I commit suicide, without a final camera
https://gyazo.com/afc994655ea8d1a456f9a4bdf404e965 -
Kalitos Whats your scorelimits? because i see 0 and 0, the code work when 1 team win the match, on me everything work correcly, i think is your file problems, on the image of the post u can see it work, i rly don't know where is the error.
Try to download the code again and test to use only the code of mapvote and see if work, i solved the 2 errors and i added a the string to make mapvote working on TDM.
Thanks for reporting problems i'll see if depends form my code -
Sorex I downloaded your code, compiled it without making any changes, and also ended the game winning the game as you suggested, and still the map image error remains.
Unless these lines
level.maptovote["image"][index] = "loadscreen_mp_hijacked";
refer to image files in the server directory. -
Okey, is weird, on plutonium SND dont load the image but work, on redacted work correctly
Sorex Additionally, did you try the finalkillcam? This overlaps the voting menu.
Not depends from that, the game don't load the image, thats the problem.
im testing on other gamemodes, and is strange -
Sorex I mean, the voting menu is hidden when the killcam comes out.
Kalitos the menu can't show after killcam, because after there scoreboard and i can't remove it, the menu show before killcam
Sorex There is the problem. The killcam does not allow players to vote.
Kalitos But the mapvote si before killcam, is on end game, when u see the score.
The map dont load because is the game, i made a lot of test and dont load images after endgame -
Sorex This is what I mean, I hope you see it.,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecKnfI19jfU -
Kalitos there no enought time to vote okey, play with time scale on end game do setDvar("timescale", 0.5);and after the wait 10 add setTimescale("timescale", 1) .For now is the only wait to ad time i have to overwrite a methods to fix this but i did not found it, there a lot of line code and im porbaly blind xD
Thanks for support, when i found a better system i'll tell to u -
Sorex said in [Release] SND & TDM Mavote menu on end game:
setTimescale("timescale", 1)
I was testing, and with this I managed to ensure that the voting menu is not displayed until after the final death chamber. And for now it works by changing the value of thetimescale
, like so:init(){ //Made by DoktorSAS /*------------------------------------------Dont't Tuch This Lines------------------------------------------*/ level waittill("game_ended"); if([[level._getteamscore]]( "axis" ) == level.scorelimit || [[level._getteamscore]]( "allies" ) == level.scorelimit /*|| getDvar("timelimit") <= 0 /*<-- add this for TDM*/){ if ( isDefined( level.finalkillcam_winner ) ) { level waittill( "final_killcam_done" ); } mapvote(); wait 0.02; thread OverflowFix(); thread updateVote(); foreach(player in level.players){ player thread selectmap(); } setDvar("timescale", 0.5); wait 20; //This is autoclose menu wiat, change it to have more or less time to vote setDvar("timescale", 1); foreach(player in level.players){ if(player.mapvotemenu){ player thread closemenumapmenu(); player.mapvotemenu = false; } } thread gameended(); } /*------------------------------------------Dont't Tuch This Lines------------------------------------------*/ }
I added a check, if there is a final death chamber, that will wait until it develops and hence the vote runs.
I don't define the
before the main condition, because at each end of the round thetimescale
would be executed. -
Kalitos According to me and what I have experienced if bot loading loads the map images are affected and only the boxes without the image come out, and in tdm the killcam dvar did not work for me so I ended up removing it and now it appears before the killcam
Kalitos Sadly that code never work for me
Fry it should be possible to change killcam.gsc and increase the waiting time, or you can only change the killcam method, it is possible, I should focus more on this small detail. It's not that complicated