Unable to get past launcher.
I just fixed an issue where it failed to install the updater, but when I open the launcher, it doesn't open the game. I can log in, go to BO2 ZM and press play, but when I do it loads for about 5 seconds and just quits the launcher with no error. What can I do to fix this issue?
You may be missing a required runtime, please download and run the following: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
- If you're on win7 the only way of getting pluto to work is by upgrading to win10.
- Make sure your launcher is the latest version (you can check that by looking at the filesize, latest one is 4123KB), if it's not download it from here: https://cdn.plutonium.pw/updater/plutonium.exe.
- Download this https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1gG_DXaZfAUETfXaYJzCP36ImvE_bO_x9&export=download extract it to any location (you can delete it afterwards) and install all redist's and directx (dxsetup.exe in the directx folder).
- follow this video guide https://streamable.com/5giauo.
- run the launcher as admin.