Dedicated Server Not Showing Up in Server Browser game crash when start server
Dss0 said in Dedicated Server Not Showing Up in Server Browser game crash when start server:
so what i do port forward 27017
@Jxz-YT you change the port to 27017 in your server's startup parameters and then you forward 27017 udp.
i tried that
there my game stuff
@Jxz-YT oh you're talking about t6, you posted in the mw3 section. T6 port would be 4977 but 27017 works too, doesn't matter.
Anyways you're not seeing any servers in the serverlist? Smth blocking the game's connection then, did you create firewall rules in the windows firewall for game and server? -
o sorry also i have to wait 10 after your reply i just did and dont work still no showing in the server and i cant connect by using command either
@Jxz-YT so when you create a firewall rule in your router you have to put in a lan ip to forward the traffic to, are you sure this is still your pc's ip?
You can get your pcs lan ip by running "ipconfig" in cmd. -
Dss0 so it shows a bunch of things ipv4 submask etc which ip and how i put in firewall rule
Should look smth like this, add an inbound rule:
You should be able to select your previously created service here:
The ip in "Send to LAN Server" has to be the ip of your pc, you can get that by opening cmd on your pc and typing
then what ?
@Jxz-YT well if you set it up correctly the server should work.
Dss0 nope didnt work
YukuanY said in Dedicated Server Not Showing Up in Server Browser game crash when start server:
i have started my own server and i start it fine but then when i load the server and launch my game it crash and also when i load my game first then start server the server dont show my server name is Jays Trickshot Lobby
It sounds like you're having trouble with your server setup, especially with crashes when loading the game. Make sure your server and game versions are compatible and check your server settings for any errors. If you continue facing issues, you might want to consider switching to a cheap dedicated hosting, which can provide more stability and better performance for your server "Jays Trickshot Lobby."