giogio667 tu doit avoir le jeu sur steam
installer T6 -
[ZM] Project 115 Mod by Shippuden1592shippuden1592 i want this for the other maps!
ban ?zerox.lsat alt account = alternative account
if your brother/sister played plutonium and got banned, i'm sorry but your ip is banned...
bo1 glitchcg_fov or cg_fovscale and put a higher number
Banned for no reason?you used a third party program, that's why you're banned, next time, use a script and be the host or use your program in LAN mode
COD: Online redefined?@Tentha the CODOL servers was down 'bout a year ago, so i think it could be possible, but with SM² , we'll have our "perfect cod"
How can I put them on bo2?go to C:\Users*UR NAME*\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6
create a folder named images and put every files from the topic here!
you're welcome
CO-OP Campaign crashes for host on 'Hard Landing' mission with a truck explosion just after acquiring M2 FlamethrowerPlutonium doesn't support campaign, buy the game if u want to play the campaign
COD: Online redefined?it could be really cool yea!
problème luncher+jeunouveau sur pluto mais ton compte a pratiquement 6 mois mdrrrr prend pas les gens pour des cons, de + t'es pas dans le bon topics
BO2 questionno don't worry, u can only be ban for using an injector and injecting smthing while u playing, but not for jitter or scripts already compiled that u put in the script folder if u want to use injectors or a program beside of the game, use lan mode
Sensi viséeTrikz_v4 la sensi visée SOURIS est impossible a changer , peut etre avec des commandes dans la console ou alors tu joue manette
[Release]TCS For Private MatchesJezuzLizard nice release! ima test it soon! thanks!
Pourquoi j'ai été banni ?j'en sais rien la dessus, faut que tu vois qui t'a ban, je connais pas les gérant de tout les serveurs XD
Pourquoi j'ai été banni ?hello! si tu parle d'un serveur en jeu, les staff ne sont pas responsable de cela. je t'invite a voir avec les gens responsable du serveur haha
bonjour comment peut-on avoir t5 dans le luncheur zvphello! T5 arrive le mois prochain, ou alors dispo pour les donateurs il y a quelque temps
Does adding plutonium as a "non-steam" game causes issues?if u add the launcher, no , if u adding the .exe of each game , yes
no setup optionjust clic at the right of play, game settings and change the path
[Release] [Zombies] All BO2 Zombies xModels (.OBJ, .MA, .XE & .SMD) Files + Images (.DDS, .TGA)Ahrimdon Dude! this is awesome! also , can u give us the skin of this mp40 it's soooo beautiful with the reflection!