WolflexZ Yeah, this sounds crazy, but I finally found it, looks like you searched to help me, thanks anyway xD

DS4W on Win7? -
DS4W on Win7?Hello, do you know what is the last DS4W version compatible with Windows 7? (yeah, old OS)
Fov/fovscale/sensitiveGuys, how do I adjust the fov and make it the same sensitivity as my mouse, knowing that the sensitivity of my mouse is 1600?
Discord banIs there anyone who can unban me on the Discord server?
Servers -
ServersWhy are the cod waw mp servers empty? Are there hidden servers with a way to connect to them?
More fps -
More fpsGhostRider0125 How do I do this exactly?
More fpsI added 4:3 in cfg file mp+zm (r_aspectRatio "4:3") but it doesn't work it goes back to auto again