@iAmKappy no problem, if i find some time this week i might try to do some sights too to check if anything happens
are you using the photoshop plugin or paint.net and exporting as it should?
@iAmKappy no problem, if i find some time this week i might try to do some sights too to check if anything happens
are you using the photoshop plugin or paint.net and exporting as it should?
just reporting thats not working on SVU normal sniper sights & DSR Thermal Sight(Variable Zoom is OK)
had some of these in here, but knew someone else would do it better. tnx
ZZare if u cant find it, make one (all the structure, make t6r and inside make data and inside that one made images)
Migter12 wich menu icons more exactly? ((im dealing with alot of stuff now, all i know of without searching for is zombies))
Exactly what i would do if i were still unemployed
nice, was just waiting for someone to do it
been using this since release thinking no one would want it but anyway you ported it better, thanks hehe
"That's really it. Don't ask how to install from my forum post...I swear."
sorry but theres a readme in the zip.
a tip: they are the same as texture and camo files.
Pistakilla i was still looking for DS3 buttons to add but couldnt find any good sources yet. but yea, that will do. tnx
(do u have any place u can think of that haves good ds3 icons?)
@Delta115 Nyess.
Mr. Android pretty sure that SCP toolkit can handle this.
OneFourOne the only thing i would ask too hehe, but also suggest this to be a later feature, they might have alot going on rn i guess
Mai_Natsume hmmmm yayys
noice release owo
Sorex oh, that i wouldnt like, the bank and fridge are kinda OP already.
CxRise gotcha, thanks alot!
this seems to be a good place for me begining to learn more of GSC, for now i can only read it, but making it work seems like a whole different thing.
SappFire wut? slots? what are these in game?
also, in the ray gun the texture seems too big, wonder what happens if we resize it.
CxRise were you got the script to show the mule kick gun?
or you made it and its testing?
LockeLowkeyLoki i wanna test this but, its gonna take around a day to get the game and test it myself. i usually only play T6.