So I've been trying to install the bonus maps for my server from using this
So I extracted the files form the ZIP archive and put the "maps" folder in Server\t6r\data.
I also put the Dvars into my "dedicated_zm.cfg" in Server/main.
The map is set to tranzit as well
my "dedicated_zm.cfg"
/// PlutoT6 ZM ServerConfiguration file //
// This config best view with Notepad++ OR //
// Other *nix compatible editors of your choice.//
// 0.1 Basic version //
// 0.2 Added map list and map rotation //
// 0.3 Added Colors and B3/Log/RCon section //
// 0.4 Added gametype to map list and rotation //
// 0.5 Added location to map list and rotation //
// 0.6 Added Sharp Shooter and Gun game //
// 0.7 Clean up //
// 0.8 Additional gts -Fry //
// 0.9 Cleaned up the mess Fry merged, //
// added more comments //
// 1.0 Noob friendly -Fry //
// 1.1 Updated for relaunch of PlutoT6 //
// 1.2 sv_maprotation system simplified -Jezuz //
// Remove "//" in front of lines to allow the
// server to read them. Anything after "//" is a
// Comment.
//g_password "" // Password protected Game Server
sv_maxclients 4 // Maximum players that are allowed in your server. (1-8) (Recommend 4 for almost bug free gameplay)
//zombies_minplayers 1 // Minimum players needed to start the game (1-8, default is 1). Do NOT set this higher than sv_maxclients!
//sv_minPing 0 // Minimum ping needed to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//sv_maxPing 400 // Maximum ping allowed to the server? (Terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!)
//zm_gungame 1 // Enable Pluto's custom Gun Game?
//zm_sharpshooter 1 // Enable Pluto's custom Sharp Shooter?
//gts zmDifficulty 1 // Difficulty? 0 = Easy, 1 = Normal !!If set to easy it must be manually set on the client as well!!
demo_recordPrivateMatch 0 // Record matches as demo files? 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled (Very efficient <5MB per match for a full server)
sv_sayname "Console" // name server-side 'say' commands show up as
//These options can also be configured individually on a map basis in each zm config in gamesettings.
//gts startRound 1 // Starting Round. Works on all maps.
//gts magic 1 // Remove all supernatural assistance? Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts headshotsonly 0 // Headshots only? Only Survival and Grief have this option!
//gts allowdogs 1 // Allow Hellhounds? Only Survival has this option!
//gts cleansedLoadout 1 // Allow players to choose their Loadout? Only Turned has this option!
//gts teamCount 2 // Sets the number of teams 2. Set to 2 by default when loading grief.
g_logSync 2 // 0 only flush on game end, 1 flush when buffer full, 2 always flush after a write, 3 append to old logs.
g_log "logs\games_zm.log" // If you choose to use this make sure the filename is unique for each server!
rcon_password "" // RemoteCONtrol password, needed for most management tools like IW4MADMIN and B3. Do not skip if you installing IW4MADMIN.
//The "exec zm_<gametype>_<location>.cfg" line sets the dvars for the location and gametype for you. This .cfg applies to all following maps in the rotation like MP until another .cfg is defined.
//You may modify these .cfgs in gamesettings. Make sure only one sv_maprotation line is uncommented or you may run into errors on starting or joining the server.
//Currently rotating the map using sv_maprotation doesn't work properly, i.e. clients will be kicked with an error when the map rotates to another map.
//Its recommended to only include one map in your sv_maprotation for this reason.
// Maps and the matching configs //
// Buried - zm_classic_processing.cfg map zm_buried //
// Buried Turned - zm_cleansed_street.cfg map zm_buried //
// Buried Grief - zm_grief_street.cfg map zm_buried //
// Die Rise - zm_classic_rooftop.cfg map zm_highrise //
// Mob of The Dead - zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison //
// Mob of The Dead Grief - zm_grief_cellblock.cfg map zm_prison //
// Nuketown - zm_standard_nuked.cfg map zm_nuked //
// Origins - zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb //
// Tranzit - zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit //
// Tranzit Farm Survival - zm_standard_farm.cfg map zm_transit //
// Tranzit Town Survival - zm_standard_town.cfg map zm_transit //
// Tranzit Bus Depot Survival - zm_standard_transit.cfg map zm_transit //
// Tranzit Farm Grief - zm_grief_farm.cfg map zm_transit //
// Tranzit Town Grief - zm_grief_town.cfg map zm_transit //
// Tranzit Bus Depot Grief - zm_grief_transit.cfg map zm_transit //
// Tranzit Diner Turned - zm_cleansed_diner.cfg map zm_transit_dr //
// Notes:
// Origins requires a gsc fix to prevent crashes with more than 4 players.
// -->
// Town/Tranzit servers will not natively spawn in tombstone since servers launch the maps in solo.
// -->
// Grief requires a fix otherwise teams won't balance resulting in clients crashing when a 5th player joins.
// -->
//Classic/TranZit Maps rotation
//sv_maprotation "exec zm_classic_processing.cfg map zm_buried exec zm_classic_rooftop.cfg map zm_highrise exec zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison exec zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb exec zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit"
//Survival Maps rotation
//sv_maprotation "exec zm_standard_town.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_standard_transit.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_standard_farm.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_standard_nuked.cfg map zm_nuked"
//Grief Maps rotation
//sv_maprotation "exec zm_grief_town.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_grief_transit.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_grief_farm.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_grief_cellblock.cfg map zm_prison exec zm_grief_street.cfg map zm_buried"
//Turned Maps rotation
//sv_maprotation "exec zm_cleansed_diner.cfg map zm_transit_dr exec zm_cleansed_street.cfg map zm_buried"
sv_maprotation "exec zm_standard_transit.cfg map zm_transit"
set customMapRotation "diner power cornfield tunnel house" // rearrange the order of these or remove locations to change the rotation
set randomizeMapRotation 0 //set this to 1 to enable randomized map rotation
set customMapRotationActive 0 //set this to 1 to enable map rotation
set customMap "tunnel" //the initial map or constant map if map rotation is off
set perkSlotIncreaseKills 0 // Set Amount of Kills each player must earn to increase their perk slots (0 turns off this option)
//Congratulations. You reached the end of this file. Leave map_rotate down below or else the server will not start after launch...
The instructions to install this which I followed are located here -
When I start the server, it crashes
bound socket to localhost:4977
Loading fastfile patch_ui_zm
Loading fastfile ui_zm
Loading fastfile common_zm
Loading fastfile ffotd_tu13_zm_147
scanning for plugins...
Rotating to map "zm_transit"!
server is changing maps, resetting stored team states...
Unloading fastfile ui_zm
Unloading fastfile patch_ui_zm
Sending heartbeat...
Loading fastfile dlczm0_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc1_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc2_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc3_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc4_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_zm
Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_zm
Heartbeat successful.
Loading fastfile zm_transit_patch
Loading fastfile zm_transit
Loading fastfile so_zsurvival_zm_transit
Overwriting game script "maps/mp/zm_transit_classic.gsc"...
A critical exception occured!
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x008F4438
an exception occured! writing minidump...
Any help would be appreciated