sadslothxl this is sick as fuck.

[Release] Kali Camo! -
[Release] BO2 Ghost Camo!Clipzor why so heated? Are you so unable to focus on your own projects that you have to project your insecurities onto another member of this forum? People enjoy this content and it will continue to be so.. you can either grow up and take it for what it is and continue to put out your own content or you can continue to put out your hatred for this subcommunity and see where that takes you.. Good luck, and I hope to see more content from you rather than snarky comments that just make you look like you are 12 years old <3.
[Release] BO3 Transgression Camo! -
[Release] Classic Camos Pack!send $cashtag
[Release] MWR Exclusion Zone Camo!Lets gooo!
[Release] Oil Splatter Camo! -
[Release] Cosmic Camos! (More Colours)the blue and red
[Release] Santa Viewhands!yayy!!!
[Release] MWII Camo Pack!dark violet
[Release] MWII Orion Camo!sadslothxl thanks dad