would be cool as the steam version is dead, but lets just keep waiting for it :=)

Survive mw3 :( -
how to make more people playing on Plutonium ?well keep sharing it and tell your friends about that
Is Anyone Wanting to Create AI for the Bots in the Game?What do you think, does the mw3 devs would give some kind of source code if many ppl ask them? like creating a petition and send it to them?
sp issuei know, but why does the sp no longer works if you use pluto?
sp issueIf i start pluto and want to player SP later i always have to verify the game content is there something we can do about it?
(if the content is verified i can start the SP again, but if i wanna play on pluto the pluto downloader needs to redownload something again)
Plutonium IW5 - The future of scriptinglua
Jimmydeansbeans is hackingrip jimmy, proof if you ask me
mw3 botsH3X1C well the bots mostly act the same, but i think the bot stuff is hardcoded however thanks for the answer
mw3 botsHey ppl,
I dont know how you put the bot stuff into mw3 but is it technically possible too import the bot AI for mp from cod ww2 or black ops?
is there gonna be mw3 survival mode ?survival would be nice doe
"Sending Heartbeat"MrFantastic do you have kaspersky installed?
PLUTO MW3 DOESN'T LAUNCHhad the same issue just wait some mins and try it again and again it worked for me after a while