OK i guess that if i want to make plutonium compatible with cod3 im goona have to edit the css code, jss and use an HEX editor too to make a custom "modification" version and i guess i can add it because i already added cod3 to the launcher game list with a hex editor i maybe could do it completly

Is plutonium launcher open source? -
Is plutonium launcher open source?i wanted to ask this because im interested in giving cod3 a try like trying to add it to the plutonium launcher if i can and if i can then prepare a server to then give u guys the final version if i adchieve the crack with online.
Why all of that errors and problemsOK THX i solved that but using the netwwork 3.5 my game didn't work but with 5 it worked i don't know why
Posting on Plutonium...im gona say only 1 thing a bird thell me about a bug in buried in the speedcola zone thats all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5TMvdcUmjI plis dont ban me for the link
Why all of that errors and problemsi know why plutonium is not "working" for some people recently
i discovered if you install the last update of Windows 10 Networkframework 3.5 can't be installed and it do the issues the people think is the antivirus but i don't have an antivirus plis Plutonium developers if you are reading this plis update Plutonium i wana play bo2 Plis.