I added these commands to my dedicated.cfg and it spawns bots after about 5 seconds.
seta scr_bot_difficulty "normal"
seta scr_bots_managed_all "19"
seta scr_bots_managed_spawn "19"
I added these commands to my dedicated.cfg and it spawns bots after about 5 seconds.
seta scr_bot_difficulty "normal"
seta scr_bots_managed_all "19"
seta scr_bots_managed_spawn "19"
JezuzLizard I cannot get this command to work to save my life. I will admit I'm basically a noob when it comes to gsc. I have to use those commands using a gsc script when the server is first loaded right? I use the example gsc script and edit it with the commands I want executed via gsc and this ```
level thread onplayerconnect();
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread onplayerspawned();
self endon("disconnect");
self waittill("spawned_player");
setdvar("r_lodBiasRigid", "-1000");
setdvar("r_lodBiasSkinned", "-1000");
setdvar("r_dof_enable", "0");
self iprintlnbold("Draw Distance Enabled");
works in custom games and solo but when I change the setdvar commands to player setClientDvar it doesn't change the dvars and the Draw Distance Enabled doesn't even show up on the screen so I think I'm doing something completely wrong to break the script or I'm misunderstanding how to implement the setclientdvar command. Thanks in advance.
I'm an Idiot I had to put "player setClientDvar" under the onplayerconnect function not the onplayerspawned thread