Cue thanks, I was thinking of adding in a GSC menu for admins only to do things like this and give it to only admins from their ID.
How do i add bots in my server? -
Trickshot Server rules?@SuperOmar8888 Because most if not all trickshot servers are trickshots ONLY and then theres kids who will jump in the air and shoot someone to kill last... essentially bypassing the "player in air" detection. We get mad because they know its trickshots only and they dont trickshot last
Should I work on a new GSC editor?I thought about creating a GSC editor to my liking that would be probably better than GSC studio. It would use monaco editor and would have a WAY better design.
[Release] (UPDATED)XUID MENU BASE #2Sass its amazing that people even ask that. like cant you just go in game and press buttons till it opens lol?
Should I work on a new GSC editor?TheHiddenHour true, even if I made a new editor, monaco is the text editor VS Code uses so it would be similar
[Resource] [SCRIPT] RIP CHEATERS EARSHello, i just made a small GSC script that will let you mess with any cheaters in your server... This will blast a loud sound at them( specifically the audio test sound... its loud af), take their weapons, freeze their controls, prevent them from leaving, and then will kick them after 10 seconds. I put in the prevent them from leaving so if they are playing on external speakers at night, they can wake everybody up. or you know, just keep the sound going for 10 secs unless they turn it down.
cheaterPayback(player) { self iPrintln("^1CHEATER IS NOW PISSED OFF."); player takeallweapons(); player iprintlnbold("GTFO Of My Server ^1CHEATER."); player playlocalsound("tst_test_system"); player freezecontrols(true); player maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::closemenus(); wait 10; self thread kickPlayer(player); } kickPlayer(player) { ban(player getentitynumber()); kick(player GetEntityNumber()); self iPrintln( + ": ^1Kicked From Game"); }