@CowboyStealthy hey, the link seems to be working just fine for me. https://mega.nz/folder/RA50DKYD#c92Z9M_Zhhbm2GGMjpFfmQ try this, and if this link doesn't work, post a screenshot of the error message.

[Release] [MP] [ZM] Purple camo all weapons -
Pink Bullet Trail (SNIPERS)TahjGadd you mean
? type `` (the key next to the 1 on your keyboard) before and after your message.screenshot:
[Release] Ruby Camo Pack@slurpy2 you'll have to go through each weapon file manually to delete them, i recommend taking a look at the pack to see which ones you need to delete.
M1911 Camo Pack@NICKMASTERyt did you perhaps download the iwi files individually rather than downloading the whole pack? if yes, redownload it as zip, the filenames are probably messed up
M1911 Camo PackPlexily im sorry, i dont do t4/t5 modding, but i cant imagine it being that difficult.
Modded Weaponshindercanrun no mod tools = bad game
sure buddy
Modded Weaponshindercanrun well, it's not because the engine is bad
custom zombies skinsIshlda check if the filenames are correct, can you send a screenshot of your "images" folder please?
white lines in custom skins@GhostMW install what exactly?
Cannot use custom camos, textures, etc...z1trofer the file names are messed up, actually only the first 2 file names are incorrect, replace the _ with ~
COD: Online redefined?@Tentha as if making a codol client would be any faster
the game scripts were hosted on dedicated servers and werent included in the game files themselves so a project like that seems near impossible, at least thats what i think
[Release] Ruby Camo PackDankferno appreciate it bro :))
1 year of plutonium@Tentha there isnt really any cool stuff to mess around with in those games like animated camos and stuff, bo2 had plenty, also the reason why there arent many custom camos/textures for those games, so yeah i totally understand OP
[Release] Ruby Camo Pack38mb thanks man! agreed, normal maps can do wonders, just a shame its not really used a lot in camo packs
[Release] [MP] [ZM] Purple camo all weapons -
[Zombies] Rank Icon PackBkluRollxn Evolight#9171, send a dm and ill help you out when i can
[Zombies] Rank Icon PackBkluRollxn dont change the resolution
[Zombies] Rank Icon PackBkluRollxn these icons are prestige icons from other cod games
[MP] [Release] Arctic Haze Camo for BO2Empyreus looks amazing bro, well done!
[Release] [Zombies] Bloodline Pack-a-Punch CamoCameronArdshahi send a screenshot of your images folder