VZLAxSmoke Because no one wants to use Windows Server. That is not how modern hosting of any good service is done.
![flopana flopana](/assets/uploads/system/avatar-default.png)
[Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated Server -
(Ubuntu) Cannot join my serverHey I've got a similar problem aswell as many other people in this forum, but most likely no one will answer you here.
I have given up hosting T6 Server, in the past I had to deal with really horrible server software (CS:GO for example) but nothing was as bad on Linux as T6.
I have absolutely no clue why or from where T6 tries to load this random gsc file which doesn't even exist. -
[Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated ServerSynth How did I fix what?
[Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated Serverflopana Update
I've got it now running and sending heartbeats (I forgot to add the symlinks). But for some reason the server always tries to load a _rank.gsc which doesn't exist and throws an error
Setting net_port to "4976" from command line. bound socket to localhost:4976 Loading fastfile patch_ui_mp Loading fastfile ui_mp Loading fastfile ffotd_tu13_mp_147 Loading fastfile common_mp Loading fastfile common_patch_mp scanning for plugins... Rotating to map "mp_dockside"! server is changing maps, resetting stored team states... Sending heartbeat... Loading fastfile dlc0_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc1_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc2_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc3_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc4_load_mp Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_mp Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_mp Loading fastfile mp_dockside Loading fastfile faction_seals_mp Loading fastfile faction_pla_mp Heartbeat successful. **** 1 script error(s): **** Unresolved external : "totalplayercount" with 0 parameters in "maps/mp/gametypes/_rank.gsc" at line 1 ****
[Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated Servernocat. Had the same problem
apt install xvfb echo -e 'export DISPLAY=:0' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Xvfb $DISPLAY -screen 0 1024x768x16 &
But im stuck here
Plutonium r3043> ^7Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_mp ^7[STEAM] 1 calls ready, running... ^7[STEAM] running call 1 [DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
There is no heartbeat send and i cant find my server online