Luxder Sure ! What map do you have in mind ?
Keep in mind that Black ops 2 uses the same textures for the parts and the fully built version, so you'll see a Bright green Turbines for exemple.
Luxder Sure ! What map do you have in mind ?
Keep in mind that Black ops 2 uses the same textures for the parts and the fully built version, so you'll see a Bright green Turbines for exemple.
sounds like someone was using a mod menu online
Ahrimdon it's all good bro
it's not like i copyrighted the mod lmao, anyone is free to do what they want !
(except reupload my mod and claim it as theirs, that's just a dick move y'know).
The reason why you didn't find my mod is because it was quite old. (probably).
but anyways yea, funny how great minds think alike
Count Dooku Sorry for the VERY late response, do you still have a problem ? if so, i'm gonna need a screenshot because i have no idea what you're talking about.
Everything is retextured bright green so you can see it better from afar (or even up close).
------------if you need to be host for it to work------------
It is a simple retexture mod, you can use it on any servers, there is no scripting involved in this mod.
TTvligmaballsboi If you don't have the "t6r" file, simply create it. You then create another file called "data" inside the "t6r" file, and inside that "data" file, you create ANOTHER file called "Images". Now just drag and drop all the mods inside the "Images" file and voila!
Someone told me that you needed to rename the "t6r" to something else after an update but this still works perfectly for me.
Hope i helped.
i already made something similar for all the origins parts :
Hook1234 Speak english bruv
mbazooka your english is more broken than an emo girl's heart.
@iAmKappy i'm unsure why you said that but funny anyways.
(Download Link at the bottom)
Ever looked for shield part in all their spawn location and never finding them and then you go back to the first location you've looked and it was there...?
Well this mod makes all pickable parts in Origins BRIGHT GREEN so that you never miss those parts again :
But it doesn't stop there !
it also makes some changes to quality of life. for exemple, this : Turns into this :
so on
and so on
You know those little tablets you need in order to get the G-strike or Napalms ? (Or however you call that).
Well... :
The cool thing is that it turns bright green when it's done
You might think i forgot about the Maxis Drone and/or the gramophone....
(sorry about the lighting in this one)
What about those pesky Disks ?
Known problem :
The Shield and the Maxis Drone will stay Bright green even when built :
Download ------------------------------------------
How to download ?
Simply drag and drop all the .iwi files into :
If you do not have the "Images" file, create it yourself.
If you have any questions or requests, i'm all eyes
JezuzLizard Oh. Thanks for the info !
Is there a way to remove the Lightning / Thunder effect of MOTD ?
I'm tired of getting flashbanged everytime i walk outside or even get close to a window.
Does this work in ANY servers ? (Servers in browser ; etc.)
Just looking for a custom Crosshair to play zombies.
Zerrixm were you stuck in a wall or something ?
I was playing on MOTD on OP GOLD, and i got annoyed at people blocking the doors, so i started doing it too and they didn't like it, those people left and i kept doing it. (my bad)
then an admin came (nothing telling me they were an admin so i didn't believe them when they said they were gonna ban me). and i got banned PERMANENTLY for racism ???
If i was banned for a few days for trolling i would have said nothing, but i got banned for EVER, for the wrong reason. and i'm NOT allowed to appeal my ban.
I later learned that, the said admin should have warned us more and also given us proof that they really were an admin, (not sure if that's true but just incase i'm saying it here).
i don't know if they banned me for the wrong reason purposely, but i feel like that's unfair when i was just standing in a path way wide enough for 3 players to pass.
All i want is that my permanent ban to be changed to a temporary one. thank you.